Chapter 4- The Universe performs Tricks

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I attempt  to start the rest of my day normally. Well as normally as I can.

Did I mention that it is Valentines Day?

So everywhere around me there are couples exchanging flowers.

The seniors are giving out kisses for 2 dollars to raise money for a new gym.

I see my brother’s best friend Mike (a gorgeous blonde with sky-blue eyes) give out a kiss to a complete bimbo and I have heard that my brother gave out a shit-load of kisses ( believe me,I am glad that I didn’t have see that!)

Everyone is wearing red.

My mother forced me to wear at least 2 colours excluding black and in return I can have my friends over for the annual V-Day pig out. So I throw on my Bon Jovi blue band t-shirt (did I mention that I love band t-shirts), blue skinny jeans and I throw a red checkered shirt over. I keep my converse.

I put my earphones in to block out all the declarations of everlasting love around me.

I am late because of my run in with Mr. Jonty. Ass i rush up the staircase i manage to slip and land across 3 stairs. My hip throbs.

“Shit!” I curse. I maneuver myself into a sitting position on the staircase. I look around and feel relieved when no one noticed me. The bell has rung by now and everyone has scurried to class already. I can now maintain my invisible status safely.

“Dear Universe, if you want to throw anything else at me…do it now! Before anyone notices.” I say looking up from my seat on the 3rd step.

“Sorry babe, but someone noticed.” I whirl around whilst a constant string of curses run through my head.

“My powers of invisibility chose a fine time to run out,” I mutter under my breath as I turn around to see who the speaker is.

My eyes land on the black leather biker boots whose tops are covered by worn out black jeans. My gaze then lands on the white shirt showing of the hard chest which is being worn under a black leather jacket. Then there is the chiseled, brooding face and jet black hair and brown eyes.

Good going Riley. Make an utter fool of yourself in front of Ryan…the school's bad boy.

“Forget invisibility. I’d rather I could walk through you. Then I could get to the parking lot and leave.”

“Shit, you heard that.”

“Yes babe, I heard you. Now move before I carry you out of my way.”

“NO. I was sitting and moping here first. You are capable of walking around me. Also the name is Riley not 'babe' and there is no need to be a jerk.”

What the f*** is wrong with me. The guy is going to beat the living daylights out of me. Sure he’s been nice so far but it’s rumored that he’s got no patience and he is probably the only guy here who doesn’t fear Pete or even Dan (he is still somewhat of a ledgend around here).

“Fine…” I hear him say sounding defeated.

Wait what’s going on. Did he just say....


Ryan has just picked me up-with my school bag still on back- and has thrown me over his hard shoulder. He puts me down at the bottom of the staircase and walks past me to the parking lot.


I compose myself and walk to Maths.


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