Chapter 2

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I nod and Tristan and I walk around for a bit and then I see Tristan get pulled away by some girls as I laugh as he reaches for me mouthing help. Soon enough he disappears in the crowd and I go over to some tables to see them all filled up when I see one table that only has a girl that has nice brown long hair and she looks like she does not want to be here at all. I walk over to her. 

Jake- Is this seat taken

She looks at me and smiles a little shaking her head. I smile and sit down across from her.

Jake- So you look like you don't want to be here at all

She laughs and looks at me.

???- Is it that obvious

I smile at her reaching my hand out for her.

Jake- Im Jake by the way

She smiles at me taking my hand shaking it.

???- Im Erika nice to meet you

She pulls her hand away and I frown a little at the loss of contact and then look at her examining in her as she just looks off.

Jake- So if you dont mind me asking what are you doing here

Erika- A couple of my friends dragged me here

I nod at her wandering where her friends are.

Erika- So what about you. What brings you here I can see you dont exactly want to be here either.

I sigh and nod my head at her.

Jake- Yea, my brother said I had to get out and have fun so here I am with one of my friends who got dragged away by a mob of girls

Erika laughs and I smile at her.

Erika- Sounds like a lot of fun, Is your friend famous or something.

I look at her not knowing what to say. I mean he kind of is I mean Team 10 was a very popular Youtube group and we are all milionairs.

Jake- Not really any more he use to be famous you could say I guess 

She nods at me I think about to ask why but then decides not to, which I am very thankful for.

Erika- So is he like super hot or something then 

I laugh and look over at her. 

Jake- I mean yea kind of if I were a girl I would probably date him 

She laughs at me. I mean Tristan has gotten even better good looking since we separated two years ago. I really thought Tristan and Tessa would end up dating since they are like exploring the world together but no. It was really hard for Chance and Tessa though they never actually said they were dating but im pretty sure they liked eachother which sucks because now they are so far apart. I really should try to see if we can all meet up again one day hopefully. I then see a guy walk over and start talking to Erika. 

???- Well hello Miss Sexy if you would just follow me we can head upstairs and have some fun 

I look at Erika and she looks disgusted not knowing what to say as she grabs my hand and holds it up looking at the guy. 

Erika- Sorry bud I got a boyfriend 

The guy looks at me and laughs. 

???- Oh I could make you so much happier than this idiot could, I mean look at him I bet he knocks up a new girl every night 

I look at him with gritted teeth. 

Jake- Oh like you are to her right now get lost man before I do something I regret 

The guy smirks at me and before he turns around to walk away.

???- So you finally over Mrs. Slut Violet 

The guy then starts to walk away but I get up and smash him into the table scaring Erika in the process. 


The guy looks at me scared and I feel myself being pulled away by none other than Tristan. 

Tristan- Jake calm down god 

Jake- Whatever 

The guy then runs away and Tristan points to the chair and I sigh as I sit down.

Tristan- Jake you need to calm down 

Jake- He talked about Alissa though 

Tristan- Jake you need to control yourself its been two years, you cant freak out every time someone mentions her name 

I sigh looking at Tristan knowing hes right. 

Jake- Its hard im trying

Tristan- Dont worry Jake,  I know your trying 

I nod at Tristan. 

Tristan- I gotta go use the restroom, Ill be right back I swear if you are on a guy or fighting someone im going to lose my mind

I laugh as Tristan walks away and I turn away to see Erika staring at me. 

Jake- Oh shoot im so sorry I forgot you were here 

I scratch the back of my head and she nods.

Erika- Its cool dont worry 

Jake- Your not scared of me, I just smashed that guy into the table at full force 

Erika- I mean yea you did that but I trust that you wont do that to me 

I laugh and look at her nodding. 

Jake- Sorry about that 

Erika- So do you know that guy or something

Jake- Never seen him in my life 

She nods looking at me confused and I sigh not wanting to talk about this at all. 

Jake- So you live in California all your life 

Erika- No I moved out here when I was 18 to pursue a modeling career 

I nod and look at her not noticing to know how amazing she actually looks. 

Jake- I can see you being a model, Your boyfriend must be lucky 

I see her laugh and sigh.

Erika- I dont have a boyfriend actually 

I look at her shocked. 

Jake- Wow really im surprised 

Erika- Yea well most guys are players and I try my best to find a guy that likes me for me and not looks 

I nod at her smiling. 

Jake- Thats a really hard thing to find out here in L.A trust me 

Alissa and I actually met in high school and we moved out to LA in the middle of senior year and then Chance and Anthony came about 6 months later. And then I met Tessa and Tristan within the first week of being in LA and then Nick came about 2 months into living in LA. 

Erika- Trust me Im well aware, hence why I am still single 

I nod at her as we continue to talk about random things for a while. 

Erika and Jake have officially met.... oh boy it's time. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far,  also if you could vote it would be very appreciated.

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