The Hilltop

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You looked over to Enid who was packing supplies into her backpack.

"Going on a run?" You guessed.

"No. I'm going to go see Maggie." She corrected.

"She's at the Hilltop. That's very far," You warned.

"I know. That's why I'm packing more than usual," She nodded.

"How are you going to get there?"

"By foot. How else?" She scoffed.

"Well, I'm not letting you go alone." You informed, getting your backpack and filling it up.

"______-" Enid began.

"I want to see her too." You explained.

"Fine. But hurry up, it's going to get dark soon." She warned. The two of you got your stuff and began to climb over the walls.

"Hey girls where are you going?" Austin called.

"We're going to the Hilltop to see Maggie," Enid explained.

"Well shit, I want to go on an adventure too! Wait for me!" Austin ran off. Enid let out a groan.

"We're wasting time," She sighed.

"Hey, the more, the merrier, right?" You weakly smiled at her.

Austin ran inside the house, to see Carl playing darts.

"Hey, man do you want to go over to the Hilltop with us?" Austin asked, raiding the kitchen of knives.

"What? Who says you're going to the Hilltop? And who's us?" Carl asked.

"Me and the girls. We're getting ready to climb the wall." He smiled

"Lead me to them," Carl sighed.

Austin lead Carl to the gate where you and Enid waited.

"You're joining too?" Enid asked.

"Enid-" Carl began in a stern tone.

"We have to see Maggie." She informed.

"You guys are walking to the Hilltop? It's far." Carl warned.

"Relax, Grimes we'll be fine." You reassured.

"Besides, I have better aim than you." Enid pointed out. Carl was silent.
"I- I didn't mean it like that," She apologized.

"You know, I'm not saving you," Carl informed. Enid furrowed her eyebrows.

"Is that what happened back at the armory? You saved me?" Enid asked.

"Yeah." Nodded Carl.

"You made it back in one piece. You're still here." Enid reminded.

"I'm not talking about that." Carl scowled. Austin glanced over at him.

"I'm sorry you guys had to see it." He apologized.

"I'm not." Carl scoffed.


Carl decided to stay back while you, Austin, and Enid went on. 

"So how far away is the Hilltop?" Austin asked.

"Yes," Answered Enid.

"Let's just stay together and stay focus," You instructed, keeping a firm hold of your arrow.

"Holy shit is that a bike shop?" Austin asked as he began running towards the abandoned shop.

"Plot twist, there are no bikes," You chuckled as you followed him.

She saved me (Carl Grimes x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz