A Blissful Kiss

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Carl's POV

I looked at her. I studied her. Same time everyday. Everyday before sunrise, she would get up and get out. For the past six months. She wouldn't return until after the sun has been up for a while. Not only has she been sneaking out of the cell but also out if the prison. She is yet to get caught. I have always wondered where she would sneak off to. I would pretend to be asleep yet I still heard her footsteps fade out. Once she left the cell, I got up and ready. I put on my hat and placed my gun in my hand.

"Where are you going?" Asked Jack rubbing his tired eyes. I turned to him.

"Do you have any idea where your sister goes every morning?" I questioned as I loaded my weapon.

"No." He yawned laying back down. I let out a deep sigh as I walked out. Once I went outside, I saw ______ looking around before closing the gate and running off. I quickly ran after her.

Your POV

You continued to walk. You knew very well that you're being followed. Their footsteps sounded so familiar yet they were so distant. Then a twig snapped. You couldn't help but sighed.

"Why are you following me, Grimes?" You asked in utter annoyance.

Carl's POV

"Why are you following me, Grimes?" She asked as I hid behind a bush. I stood silent as she looked around.
"Come on, Grimes I'm not going to hurt you or anything." ______ informed rolling her eyes. I sighed as I walked out from behind the bushes. She walked towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Why were you following me?" She snarled.

"Why do you sneak out?" I questioned. She let out a small smile as she leaned in towards my ear.

"Follow me." She whispered before running off into a location filled with trees. Wondering how long this goose chase will go on, I ran after her direction. But I lost her.

"______ where are you?" I asked.


"______ stop messing around. Our dads will kill using they found out we were out here." I harshly reminded.

"I'm up here, Carl." She giggled. I looked up to see her sitting on a tree branch happily swinging her legs.

"What are you doing up there?" I laughed.

"Carl get up here! It's about to start!" She squealed like a happy child on Christmas Day. Letting out a chuckled, I climbed up to her. I looked over to the distance to see the sun starting to rise.

"So you come out here everyday just to see the sun rise?" I asked. I looked over to her as she sat there in awe.

"Beautiful isn't it?" She sighed. I looks at her as she smiled.

"You sure are." I whispered to myself as my hand climbed on top of hers. She glanced down at our hands and smiled before intertwining our fingers.

"This is nice." She smiled turning to me. I mentally took a deep breath praying that I would not regret what I am about to do.

"Do you know what would make this even nicer?" I asked leaning in towards her.

"W-what?" She asked as a small blush appeared on her face as she realized how close our faces were.

"This." I whispered leaning in and...

We kiss

I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me as the kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around my neck as her hands played with my hair. The two of us pulled back trying to catch our breath. I let out a small chuckled as I lowered my hat trying to hide my red face.

"W-what's so funny, Carl?" She stuttered still surprised by the kiss.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that to you." I smirked.

She saved me (Carl Grimes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now