Things are gonna change

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Your POV

You walked inside the prison in tears ignoring everyone. You wanted to be alone by yourself in your cell. You went there only to see Carl and Jack playing Monopoly.

"I don't get this game. What are you suppose to do?" Jack asked.

"Hang on, Jack I'm reading the instructions." Carl hushed. You tried to walk pass them but your footsteps were heard. Jack looked up to you with a smile on his face.

"______, ______, you're back! You're back!" Squealed Jack trying to embrace you into a hug. You quickly pushed him away.
"W-what's wrong? Do I need to kill someone?" He asked noticing your tears. Carl glanced up at you and quickly ran towards you as soon as he noticed that you were crying.

"N-no, Jack. I'm fine." You weakly reassured.

"______ what's wrong?" Carl asked. You took a deep breath trying to speak but you were choking on your tears. You simply nodded your head no.

"I-it's nothing, Grimes." You whimpered as your voice cracked.

"It doesn't sound like nothing." He informed giving you a suspicious look.

"Really, guys it's nothing." You strictly informed.

"Come on, ______ do not give us that bullshit. Talk to us! We're friends, right?" Carl asked giving you a hurtful expression. Even more tears escaped from your precious ______ eyes.
"Need a hug?" He asked reaching in. You quickly stepped back and pushed him away.

"Thank you guys but I just really want to be alone right now." You informed walking off.

"But ______!" Jack yelled. Carl placed a firm hand on the young boy's shoulder.

"We need to respect her wishes, Jack. If she want to be left alone, we leave her alone." Carl informed.

You walked into an abandoned cell and simply flopped onto the bed.

"I don't understand." You thought to yourself.
"How the hell could you just leave her like that?" You mentally asked yourself. Your thought was interrupted by someone opening the cell door.
"Get out of here, Dixon." You growled.

You looked at him to see him locking the cell door.

"I want to try something with you." He informed placing the key in his back pocket. You gave him a suspicious stare.

"W-what do you want to try?" You stuttered getting rid of your tears.

"I want to try talking to you instead of arguing with you." He informed calmly.

"There's nothing to talk about." You snarled trying to walk out of the prison cell. The door was locked.

Daryl's POV

"Open the door, Dixon." She sighed.

"I'm not opening the door until we talk." I sternly replied. She took out one of her arrows and tried picking the lock. I couldn't help but let out a slight scoff. She eventually gave up.

"Alright. Let's talk." She sighed in defeat.

"Listen I'm sorry-" I apologized before she decided to cut me off.

"Yeah because a simple 'I'm sorry' is going to make up for years of abandonment."

"I'm sorry for not being there for the last thirteen years." I grimaced.

"I'm fifteen, dumbass." She cursed. I went up to her and grabbed her by her shirt.

"You don't use that kind of language to your father." I growled as she struggled to release herself from my grip.

"Want me treat you like my father? Then you better step up to the plate and start acting like one, Dixon." She informed. I let her go to see her looking up at me waiting for my explanation.

"Listen. The moment that I left your mother was my biggest regret." I sighed leaning against a wall.

"Then why didn't you go back to her? Why did you just run away and hide? Why didn't you just-"

"I was sixteen! I could barely take care of myself! What the hell makes you think I could take care of a kid?!" I yelled. She ran towards me.

"The least you could've done was try you asshole!" She cried punching my chest. I held her tight trying to stop her insignificant act of violence.
"Let go of me!" She demanded. I simply grabbed her upper arms and threw her to the floor. Many emotions and thoughts were running through me. Too many for me to handle. They were interrupted by a scream.

I look up to see ______ laying on the floor holding her arm. She didn't say anything. She was panting and crying while holding her right arm. The moment she tried to move it was the moment she winced in pain. She silently cried as she held her injury. That's when I realize what I just did.

I hurt my child.

I quickly ran to her and picked her up. I tried expecting her injury but every movement she made with her right arm left her in pain.

"______ I'm so sorry." I apologized at the verge of tears.

"Relax, Dixon. I'm not dying." She growled trying to fight through the pain.

"I know but I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'm sorry for abandoning you and Jane, I'm sorry for hurting you. Things are gonna change, ______. I promise. I'm going to be the best dad in the world you'll see!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, ok I forgive you now shut up and please take me to Hershel." She politely demanded.

She saved me (Carl Grimes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now