Pinkie Promise

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"So you two got married when you were sixteen?" Enid scoffed in misbelief.

"Don't judge me! I thought we were going to get eaten by a bunch of crazy cannibals!" Carl exclaimed.

"And you accepted?" Enid questioned now turning to you.

"I'm with Carl on this one. We thought we were going to die. If I were going to die, I wanted to die being married to this dork." You informed pointing to Carl.

"Did you guys have a wedding ceremony and everything? Was Judith the flower girl?" She teased.

"Enid we're in the middle of an apocalypse. We don't have time for a wedding ceremony." You chuckled.

"Did you guys write your own vows too?" She giggled. You and Carl glanced at each other.

"What are vows?" Carl asked.

"Oh, oh, oh, I know! I know!" Pipped up Jackson who eagerly raised his hand.

"Uh... Jack?" You called on.

"Aunt Enid told me that vowels are A,E,I,O,U and sometimes Y!" The young boy smiled, confident in his answer.

"Very good, Jackson." Enid praised.

"You're teaching him the vowels of the alphabet?" Carl asked.

"She's also teaching me how to count. There are one, two, three, four plates on the table!" Jack smiled.

"And if I got clean my plate and put it back, how many plates would be on the table then?" Enid quizzed putting her plate away.

"Three!" He cheered, obviously getting the hang of basic mathematics.

"Why are you teaching him math? He should be learning how to fight. Hey, Jack. Do you want to learn how to use this?" Carl smile pulling out a handgun.

"Yes!" He gasped reaching for the weapon.

"We are not teaching him how to use a gun or any weapon for that matter." You snapped taking the firearm from him.

"But he needs to learn how to protect himself." Carl informed.

"He's only four. He's too young." Enid agreed with ______.

"You're never too young to protect yourself." Carl replied.

"If you want to teach him karate or self defense, go right ahead but you are not putting a weapon in that child's hand! You scowled. You and Carl glared at each other. Jackson looked over to Enid, a worried expression on his face.

"Hey, ______ how about we get going? Maggie needed our help with the infirmary remember?" Enid uneasily smiled.

"But Maggie never asked us to--"

"Come on, ______ we're going to be late!" Enid exclaimed running out the door.

"Yeah just let me wash my plate." You huffed getting up.

"Jack and I will take care of that. You girls go help Maggie." Carl sighed taking the plate from your hands.

"Alright." You nodded following Enid out the door.

Carl's POV

"Alright, Jack you know the drill. I wash, you dry." I reminded taking the plates and silverware from the dining table.

"What just happened?" He asked.

"______ and I just had a little fight." I huffed.

"I've had fights with Enid before." He giggled.

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