Stupid Test

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You and Enid sat at the kitchen table waiting for dinner to be served. Daryl presented three grilled cheese sandwiches. One for each of you.

"Grilled cheese again?" Enid complained.

"Hey. I'm still tired from the run. Now unless you or ______ want to cook, you're eating the sandwich." Daryl growled. Enid sighed as she took a bite. You on the other hand gagged at the nauseating smell.

"Are you going to throw up again?" Enid whispered.

"I-I don't think I can eat a grilled cheese sandwich right now." You grimaced.

"What's wrong?" Asked Daryl looking at you.

"I'm pretty sure that's what made me sick." You groaned pushing the plate away.

"You're sick?" Asked Daryl putting his sandwich down.

"She threw up this morning while we were looking after Judith." Enid explained.

"Want me to get you some medicine? I'm sure we have something for vomiting in the medicine cabinet." Daryl began as he got up from his chair.

"No, no I'm fine. I'll just eat something bland for dinner and sleep it off." You shrugged putting a piece of bread into the toaster.

"What are you going to eat?" Asked Enid.

"Toast and jam. That's bland, right?" You asked.

"What about your sandwich?" Asked Daryl.

"You can have it." You shrugged.

"Yes!" Daryl silently cheered.

"How does cheese make you sick? Are you lactose tolerant?" Enid asked.

"Maybe the cheese went bad?" You suggested.

"How come nothing happened to me or Enid?" Daryl questioned.

"I don't know!" You groaned finishing your toast.

"Here's a trash can." Offered Enid placing a trash can next to you.

"I'm not going to throw up." You scowled.

"How about you head off to bed and sleep it off?" Daryl suggested.

"Good idea." You mumbled walking up the stairs.

"Don't forget your trash can!" Enid reminded.


"So how far along are you?" Asked Enid.

"Two and a half months." Smiled Maggie.

"Does it hurt?" You asked.

"Does what hurt?" Chuckled Maggie.

"Being pregnant. I remember when my mom's friend was pregnant with Jackson, she would always complain." You told.

"It doesn't hurt but it's no walk in the park either." She answered.

"So it's just uncomfortable?" Replied Enid.

"A bit." Maggie nodded.

"Here you go, Maggie. A ham and cheese sandwich with pickles. Just the way you like it." Smiled Glenn handing his wife a sandwich.

"Awe Glenn you know me so well." Maggie smiled kissing him. You let out a groan as you placed your hand over your mouth and nose.

"Come on, ______ we see you and Carl kiss all the time!" Glenn exclaimed.

"No it's not that!" You gagged.

"Do you want me to get you a bucket?" Asked Glenn.

"No it's ok." You groaned holding your stomach.

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