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It has been a few days since you were all welcomed to Alexandria. You walked around Alexandria. Trying to know where everything is, where everyone's house was located. That way, you won't walk into the wrong house again. From the corner of your eye, you saw a figure jump over the wall. All you were able to catch was a glimpse of their long brown hair.

"Well it's nice to know that the guards are doing their jobs." You mumbled looking around and following said figure.

All you saw was them running. You tried to catch up but they were too fast. You got our your switch blade and climbed up a tree trying to get a decent view. You couldn't see anyone. You then felt something hit the back of your head.

"First Carl and now you? What is it with you people?" You heard a familiar voice question. You turned around to see Enid carrying a knife in one hand and a pebble in the other.

"Enid? What are you doing here?" You asked jumping off the tree branch and walking towards her.

"I should be asking you the same thing." She replied. You then heard a snarl nearby. Enid got her knife ready but you held your arm out, stopping her.

"I got this." You informed taking a throwing knife and throwing it at the Walker. Enid stood there looking both surprised and amazed.

"You have good aim. That looks like a good throwing knife." She complimented as you removed the throwing knife from the walker's skull.

"Thanks. I like your knife." You smiled.

"Thanks. It was my mom's" She grimaced looking down at her knife.

"This throwing knife? It was my brother's. He gave it to me not too long before passing away." You informed.

"I'm sorry about you losing your brother." She apologized.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mom." You grimaced.

"Don't be. It's not like I could've done something to save her." She scoffed wiping away her tears.

"Well for me, it was different. I could've saved him if I just followed my instincts. I didn't want him to go into the store alone. My gut told me something wasn't right the moment he stepped inside but I ignore it and now, he's dead." You managed to choke out throwing Jackson's knife in anger.

"I'm guessing he died recently?" She asked picking up the knife you threw.

"Six months. I know it has been a long time but it just doesn't feel like it." You grimaced. She handed you back the throwing knife.

"I know how you feel. How old was he if you don't mind me asking?" She whispered.

"Ten. He was only ten." You sighed.

"He was Sam's age." Enid grimaced. You glanced over to the direction of the gates of Alexandria.

"I'm sure he would've loved it here." You whimpered.

"Try to cheer up, alright? I don't think your brother would enjoying seeing you beating yourself up over something you had limited control over." She sympathetically smiled.

"Thanks, Enid." You smiled.

"No problem." She smiled walking off. You took a hold of her wrist.

"Wait. What are you doing out here?" You asked getting back on topic.

"I believe that's none of your business." She informed taking her arm back.

"Does Nicholas or Aaron know that you're out here?" You asked.

"Depends. Does Nicholas or Aaron know that you're out here?" She shot back.

"Well no but-"

She saved me (Carl Grimes x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat