Lost Boy Pt. 2

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Carl decided to spend the night with you. He wanted to be one of the first people to hear any updates on the little boy. Due to lack of space, you and Carl slept in the living room.

You felt a small finger poke your cheek as you slept. You opened your eyes only to see a wide pair of blue eyes looking back at you. You let out a slight gasp, not wanting to scream for it may scare him. Though his clothing items were clean, his hair and skin were still dirty.

"Y-you're awake." You mumbled glancing towards Carl who slept peacefully on a separate couch.
"Carl wake up!" You whispered.

"Now?" He groaned half asleep, his eyes still closed.

"Yes, Carl. Now!" You replied throwing your pillow at him. The lost boy quietly giggled.

"Ok I'm up! Now what was so important that you just had to-- Holy shit he's awake." Carl gasped.

"There is a child in the room." You harshly reminded not being very approving of his language.

"Holy crap he's awake." He corrected.

"How are you? Did you sleep well?" You smiled at him.

"I think so. The sandwich was yummy." He smiled back.

"You got a little something..." Carl gestured towards the corner of his lips. You followed his gaze to see a small mustard stain.

"Here I got it." You smiled getting a wet napkin and cleaning it off him.

"Can I see that?" He asked pointing to the napkin.

"Sure." You shrugged giving it to him. He took the wet napkin and started to scrub his arm, trying to get rid of the dirt.

"What's your name, little guy?" Carl questioned.

"My name? I- I don't remember." He grimaced.

"You don't remember your name?" Carl asked in misbelief.

"Ok then. What do you remember?" You added.

"I remember seeing you." He grinned. You couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah and before that?" Demanded Carl. The lost boy stood silent.

"Ok what's the last thing you remember before passing out?" You clarified.

"I just told you. I remember seeing you." He replied innocently.

"Wait. So what you're saying is, you don't remember anything from before that? You don't remember your name, your parents names or what they look like?" Carl asked.

"I don't think I remember anything." He grimaced. You and Carl looked at eachother.

"______! Carl! He's gone! He ate his sandwich and drank his water but he's not in his room!" You heard Enid panicked as she frantically ran down the stairs.

"Who is she?" He whispered to you.

"That's my sister. Enid." You introduced.

"Oh ok. Hi, Enid." He smiled and waved.

"Hello kid who's name I don't know." She awkwardly waved back.

"Join the club." Carl huffed. Enid glanced over to Carl before giving you a confused look.

"We don't know his name either." You informed.

"Well have you tried asking him?" She asked.

"He says he doesn't remember anything." Carl explained.

"So what you're telling me is, he has amnesic syndrome?" She asked.

"In English please?" You requested not understanding her medical talk.

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