You're ok

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Carl's POV

The prison was silent. The only noise you would hear is the walkers. I know everyone is gone. Some people got on the bus and left, some people ran off to save themselves. I stayed behind trying to find any survivors. More importantly, my dad and my sister Judith.

"C-Carl." I heard a raspy voice groan. I turned around to see my dad walking towards me. He was beaten and bruised. I ran towards him thankful that he was alive.
"Where's Judith?" He panted. Happy to find one of his children, he wanted to find the other.

"I don't know. Last I checked, she was in a carrier. She should be in the bus with the other children." I recalled. We continued looking around in hope of finding the others. There was still a bit of fog from what happened so our sight wasn't clear, we would call out names but the only response we would get would be the groans and snarls from the walkers.

We looked around and saw something on the floor. We couldn't see very well but we walked towards it. Once we were able to see it, our hearts broke. It was a baby carrier. There was no baby. Instead, there was blood.

"J-Judith?" I whimpered as tears formed.

"No, no, no." My dad cried. We then heard a snarl of a walker nearby. I ran towards it and shot it multiple times in anger. Even after it was dead.

"Carl." My dad whispered. I continued shooting it. Even after the chamber was empty of bullets.
"Carl stop!" He cried wrapping his arms around me. We both cried at the thought of her being dead.
"We've got to get out of here. We've got to go." My dad whispered. I held my dad trying to help him walk. He was injured and weak. Possibly one of the worst combinations there is in this situation.

I looked back trying to catch one last glance of our home. One last glance of the prison- or at least what was left of it. But my dad stopped me.

"Don't look back, Carl. Just keep walking." He whispered.


After walking for what seems like forever, I was a few feet ahead of him as we walked down a country side.

"Carl slow down." My dad gasped for air. I ignored him as I continued walking.
"Carl stop! We need to stay together. We have to find a place with food and supplies." He informed. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself. I didn't want to cry but I was scared, I just tried to hide it but my dad saw through my tired eyes.
"Hey. We're going to be ok." My dad weakly reassured.


We found what appears to be some sort of barbecue restaurant. I got my gun ready to shoot any walkers.

"Wait outside, ok? Keep watch." My dad demanded.

"You want me to keep watch? You can barely stand. You keep watch. I'm not going to let you go in there alone." I ordered.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"We've done this before. I'm going to help you clear it. You should just let me clear it myself." I scoffed.

"Alright. Let's go." He sighed. We got in and went through the place.
"Kitchen's clear." Informed my dad.

We walked into a room to see a walker stuck in furniture.

"That might be all that's left." He sighed.

"I can get it from here." I informed holding up my gun as the snarls continued.

"No. It's weak I'll just draw it out from here." He replied trying to kill it with an ax. The furniture began to rumble as it fell. The walker was free and began to stumble towards us. I held up me gun.
"Damn it. Don't-"
I shot it. The bullet went through the skull and it fell to the floor.
"I said not to." He growled.

She saved me (Carl Grimes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now