Those who arrive, survive.

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You and Carl sat in the dining table and ate cereal.

"I haven't had cereal in forever." You smiled.

"It tastes odd. It probably expired." Carl remarked.

"As long as I don't get food poisoning, I'm good." You shrugged. Michonne then walked in wearing a white button up shirt several sizes too big for her. Carl stopped eating and laughed. You simply smiled.

"Do you have something to say about my extremely comfortable and attractive shirt?" She asked playing with the sleeves.

"No, no, no. It looks great." Carl snickered. Michonne turned to you.

"______?" She asked as you shoved cereal in your mouth. You gave her two thumbs up. She smiled as she poured herself a bowl of captain crunch cereal.

"So what did you two do when Rick and I were gone? Hope you weren't too bored." Michonne questioned.  You and Carl glanced at each other.

"We were rough housing." He shrugged. You glanced over to him, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Rough housing?" Michonne asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yup." You whispered eating your dry cereal.

"I sure wish we had some soy milk." She sighed.

"Seriously?!" Asked Carl in misbelief.

"Yes, seriously. Have you ever tried it?" She questioned. Carl smiled.

"My best friend in third grade, he was allergic to dairy." Carl recalled.

"Uh-huh." Michonne nodded.

"And everyday he would bring his soy stuff to lunch." Carl continued.

"Soy stuff?" You laughed.

"Yeah. I tried it." He informed.

"And?" Michonne smiled.

"I threw up!" He exclaimed. You bursted put into laughter as Michonne scoffed.

"Oh, yeah, right."

"All right, all right. I almost threw up. But I was like, ugh!" He gagged making you two laugh.

"Was it that bad?" You giggled.

"It was the worst! It was so gross. I mean, literally, I would rather have powdered milk than to have to drink that stuff again. I would rather have Judith's formula-" He stopped himself from talking. He then let out a forlorn sigh.

"Are you ok, Carl?" You asked.

"I'm gonna go finish my book. I have a couple chapters left." He replied getting up. You and Michonne glanced at each other.

"Should I check up on him or leave him be?" You asked noticing his tone of depression.

"Go check up on him for me." Michonne replied. You nodded your head as you went upstairs.

"Are you ok, Carl?" You whispered walking into his bedroom.

"Yeah I'm fine. Have you read 'The Giver' by Lowis Lowry? It's a good book." He recommended sitting on the bed. You took a seat next to him.

"Come on, Grimes tell me the truth." You grimaced. He glanced over to you with his blue, tear filled eyes.

"I guess I just miss Judith." He shrugged getting rid of them. You held him close to you.

"You don't know for a fact that she's dead." You pointed out. He placed his book on his lap.

"______ I saw the baby carrier. She wasn't in there! There was blood!" He exclaimed.

She saved me (Carl Grimes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now