"What exactly do you do in your crime business thingy." I ask quietly.

"Um well most of what is said about it is not true. I do not deal in prostitution, I find it sickening. Drug dealing yes, money laundering, and trade of stolen goods."

"Oh. How did you get into all of this?"

"While I was at Princeton, I was kind of having trouble with my student loans and other college fees. At a party I sort of met this man who was looking for someone to take over for him. He had heard about me and I guess thought I would be perfect for the job. I started as sort of an intern for him while he helped pay my fees. Toward the end of my last year in college, he was killed and I was next to step up to take his place. I later found out he hadn't just heard about me, he was a very distant uncle. Brothers with my father."

I was quiet for a moment before speaking, "Why was he a distant uncle?"

"Well my father left my mother and I a very long time ago with no explanation. So it's not like we were gonna stay close with his family. My mother died a couple years after that and Jane has been taking care of me since then. She was a friend of my mom."


"Yeah, are you hungry?" He asks. I smile at him, "What's for dinner?"

"I was thinking chicken Alfredo?"

I nod and he gets up to cook but I grab his hand, "Can't someone else cook it? I've missed you and I want to cuddle."

He chuckles and sits back down, "Anything you want. I'll order it." He picks up the phone and dials a number. I rest my head on his chest as he talks on the phone, when he hangs up he looks down at me. "What?"

He smiles, "You're so cute."

I kiss his cheek, "I love you."

"I love you more." He leans down to kiss me, his hand cups my face as our lips meet. I smile widely into the kiss, and climb on top of him. He groans as I straddle myself on his lap. His lips depart from mine and dive toward my neck, leaving light feathered kisses trailing down to my collar bone. I let out soft moans as his hands roam my body under my shirt. "Can I take it off?" He asks quietly. I remember the bruises and pull away, "Maybe we should stop."

"This is the second time you've done this, what's wrong?"

I shake my head, "Nothing I just don't wanna be exposed like that."

"You used to always be fine with it, but ever since the kidnapping- " he looks at me, "Are you hiding more bruises Camille?"

I shrug, "Maybe. I just don't want you to see them."

He sighs, "I'll love you no matter what your body looks like."

"You haven't seen them, they're really bad."

"No matter how bad they look, it wouldn't make a difference."

"My body is battered and ugly, just leave it at that."

He sighs before standing up and taking my hand, "Follow me." He leads me up the stairs and into the master bathroom. The lights switch on and be begins taking off his shirt. "What are you doing?"

He points to his most recent stab wound, "Showing you my scars. I used to try to use tattoos to cover them up." He points to the little bird tattoo he had on his lower abdomen. "I got this tattoo to cover up several stab wounds." He points to both shoulders, "These tattoos were used to cover slice wounds." He turns around to show me a whole back full of scars, "These are recent, I don't cover them up because I'm much older now and I know covering them up won't make them disappear."

I look them over, "You'll look at me differently."

"Are you looking at me differently right now?" I shake my head. "Then why would I do it to you?"

I sigh, knowing he's right and pull up my shirt slowly. I stare at the mirror as I do it to avoid Josiah's gaze. It was as ugly as I remembered it, I stared at each one. Josiah came to stand next to me. He looked into the mirror too, "You're still beautiful. And if you'd let me I'd kiss every scar on you." I chuckle lightly, "You're so cheesy." He kisses my shoulder, "I love you."

A tear rolls down my cheek, "I love you too." He wipes my eye as we hear the doorbell ring. "That should be dinner." He gives me his hand and I grab it as he leads me down the stairs. I sit on the coach as he answers the door to get dinner. We have dinner in front of the tv before putting on a movie and falling asleep on the couch together.

Jealousy KillsWhere stories live. Discover now