Chapter 22- Her

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His Eyes .. IM DEAD !!


Hyeri 's POV

On the day of our trip, Yoon-gi called he'd pick me to get to the port. We were going Jeju through a ferry just to consume more of our trip right from the start.

"No problem, Yoongi! You don't need to. Jin oppa said he would pick me as he's coming to pick Jihyo and Yeri too. "

"Umm but you can tell him that you are going with me."

That oh-so-complicated guy was successfully hitting me with surprises and I was getting pangs one after another. He's never been an exhorting type. His entreating made me flutter even through a call.

"You really don't need to!"
My temperament wasn't accustomed to his 'this' kind of behavior. It was like I was getting more than I could have.

Though it was 'him' but to be very honest, I didn't want to be so much depended on him.

"Alright "
And he disconnect the call.

Yoon-gi 's POV

What's with this girl seriously? Why is she so habitual about ditching me, like every freaking time. Why can't she go with me? Why it's always Jin-Hyung. This is actually making me frustrated.


I took a warm shower and wore my blue denim with a yellow and white strip-patterned Tee and my homie black hoodie. I blow-dried my blonds splayed over my forehead and left them parted from front.

I checked my bag that I already had packed at night just to check if I have missed something. I grabbed a water bottle from fridge and stuffed some more snacks into my bag.

I took the key of my bike from the first drawer of nightstand and went out. After checking the locks and I ignited the engine and set my directions towards the port.

When I was around two miles away from my house, I heard my phone buzzing in my hoodie's pocket. I stopped my bike on a side and took off my helmet to pick up the call. It was Hyeri.

" Ne? "
" Umm Yoon-gi actually . . . "
" Speak up Hyeri , I'm standing in between the road. "
I exaggerated. She still bought it.

"Okay! Actually Jin oppa just called me that he can't pick me because there's no space left due to the bags so if you can ...because I'll miss the ferry if I come through the bus. "

She spoke in a breath. She was embarrassed I could comprehend. Even though she made me frustrated and I was annoyed but it still made me laugh how she was pleading me now. I preferred laughing in my head and instead replied her sternly.

"Alright. I'll meet you outside your house in 7 minutes. "


She was already outside her house with a backpack and with her mom. I hopped off the bike and greeted her mom with a bow. It was my first time meeting her. She handed me a small light green box.
I guessed that contained something edible .

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