Chapter 18-Yours, No one. "

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Lee Hyeri 's POV

Around 11 at night I came back home. Jin Oppa had assured my mom that he'll drop me home so she didn't object about coming late at night. She was awake, just waiting for me so after greeting each other we both went to our rooms. I had everything fresh in my mind that happened about an hour ago. Imagining those moments as in reliving them, I slowly fell asleep.


Coming days were going to be busier. We were having our final term exams. Our third year of Architecture was reaching to its end. We had already cleared our juries, now there were only theoretical exams left.

A day before Yoongi's Birthday, we all decided that we'll only wish him for now and will celebrate after exams.

Next morning I went to university a little early. I had made a Birthday greeting card for him. Though it was kinda childish. And I didn't have the confidence to give that to him.

'You know! You can do anything with your friend. But when that friend becomes the person you love then you get conscious even about breathing around him. '

Just then my mind brightened with an idea. I took double-sticking tape and stick that card envelope under Yoongi's chair's arm.

God! Make some way for this card to get noticed by Yoon-gi. Not any other, Just Yoon-gi.

Exam room started to fill up with students. So Yoon-gi too entered in the room in his favorite attire. Black eagle printed buttoned shirt revealing his jet black singlet with black baggy pants. With all-black attire and blond hair, he was looking paler than ever.

killing than ever!

I was stealing glances over him from afar. First, Hobi and Namjoon grabbed him in a group hug and wished him birthday. Than other class-mates along with my friends wished him. He was hesitantly thanking them all. I wasn't talking much with him during exams because we get to meet for a smaller amount of time but after that night, it's kinda difficult for me. So like previous few days, I was avoiding him today too.

I acted as if he was invisible for me. Examiners came with a bundle of answer sheets and our exam started. I took everything else from my mind and put that far away from me. I couldn't let his thoughts hover over me during exam. I needed to get a good grade.


During exam, one of the invigilator, who was watching over the students, called Yoon-gi's name, a little louder than just calling.

"Min Yoon-gi!"

"What are you hiding under you chair's arm? Show us! "

All of the heads turned towards him. He was startled yet composed.

"I didn't expect this from You Min Yoon-gi! "

He was doubting him for cheating. Our university was quite strict about the code of conduct. There were chances that he wouldn't be allowed to submit today's exam.
My heart dropped, into a deep-dark-dead well.
Omo! What I did to him!
He'd fail because of me. Ottokae?

I decided to get up and tell the invigilator about that card, but before that he came and stick out that envelope from under the chair's arm.

Omo !

His brows furrowed. He noticed a doodle drew on the opening lid.

Yoon-gi exclaimed–clearly surprised.

He opened that envelope and took my card out.
I scrunched my eyes close. It has to be private. It has to be opened by Yoon-gi only. I couldn't watch my effort going in vain.
As he opened the card, His lips curved in a sheepish smile.

"Oh so It's your birthday Young man! I'm sorry I doubted on you! "
He patted his shoulder, put that card inside the envelope and gave that to him.
" I know you wouldn't cheat, by the way, Happy Birthday! "
And he started to stroll in the rows again. Yoon-gi took that envelope from invigilator's hand and without giving it a single glance, he put that inside his pocket.

My heart suddenly saddened.
He didn't like that card.
I turned my head down towards my paper.


After finishing exam, I came out of the room earlier than my friends and Yoon-gi. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone so I came back home early. In the bus I received a few text messages from Jihyo and Namjoon. They were asking about me going home early. So I told them that I had something to do. I couldn't let them know that I was upset.

Min Yoon-gi 's POV

I was literally surprised when I saw that card. Who knew that I love Kumamon! It was kinda childish. I actually felt embarrassed when I suddenly exclaimed " Kumamon ! " in front of the invigilator and all the class so when He gave me that envelope , I immediately put it inside my shirt's inside pocket .

That envelope was still kept inside when I greeted my friends a good bye, when I met with Min-ah and when I came back home.

I went straight to my bedroom and took that envelope out. I gazed at that cute Kumamon Doodle. Then I opened its leaf to check who the person that knows me this better is.

I spotted another Kumamon doodle, now with a cake and balloons. I really fell for that drawing, which was done so cutely.

Inside the card there was a message written in a round font.

"Happy Birthday Yoon-gi!
I'll pray that this year would turn into a good one and coming ones, the best!
You'll rule the world with the warmth of your voice! "

Then there was something covered with a white fluid.
And there was no name. At first I thought this card was from some fan girl who might know about me liking Kumamon. But whenever I received fan letters and cards, they were always with sender's name. All those wanted to impress me so none of them ever hide their identity. But there was no name with that card. And that was the thing that made me curios.

I closed that card to put it back inside the envelope when I noticed something engraved at the back of card. It looked like that writing marks left at the back. Same as with other words that were written with some pressure.
I tried to give a try to know the name who made that card for me. There were a few words that I understood while trying hard.

'Care '
' Yours'

I got curious. That name must be hidden behind that white fluid.
I took a scalpel and scratched it cautiously. Finally I succeed. I then can read what that person tried to hide.

"I cherish every moment when you care about me. Even just for a fraction of a second.
No one. "

You and Me ? | M.Y.G (Wattys2018)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora