Chapter 8-Got You!

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Yo bubs ! Another updateeee ! So before you read today's chapter , I was thinking about defining an architectural term that I'm going to use in this chapter . Site Analysis.
Site Analysis is about analyzing a site ( place or area where building would be constructed ) before starting to construct a building on it . Its about analyzing topography, climatic and circulation conditions . This
Explanation was required before the next chapter that you'll read!
So vote and share if you're liking this story. Thank you for all the support.


Min Yoon-gi's P.O.V

Sun grew and brought a day like every day.
Start of the week . . . Huff, Monday it is!
I spent my whole Sunday in my bed, doing the only thing I love to do other-than-music . . . Sleeping obviously. So on Monday morning, I was coming back to my senses.
My mind suddenly took me to what happened on Saturday night while I was driving on the way to university.

After parking my bike in the parking lot, I took-off my helmet and started to walk towards my department. I was on my way when my phone buzzed and I took it out from my pants' pocket. As expected, it's Min-ah's message. Right before opening it, my eyes fell on Hyeri, who was standing outside the garden that ran along the pathway that leads to our Architecture Department.

Without reading the message I put my phone back and started moving towards her, shortening the distance between us. I took my spot with almost a meter away from her, facing the garden just like her.

After a few minutes of quietude, I heard her uttering something softly.

"Do you know why these flowers blossom?"

She must have felt my presence.

"These roses . . . for whom they nurture themselves?"

She slightly felt red and white roses with her finger-tips, bending her legs a little.

"They bloom for this butterfly."
A yellow tinted butterfly was tootling over the roses.

"These Phlox . . . How little they are!"

Then she glanced over a bunch of phlox wavering with the wind.

"They bloom for these cute tiny ladybugs."

Her lips slightly parted and spread a smile on her face. Unlike the fake ones from earlier, I could say —this smile was genuine.

"And those chrysanthemums and sunflowers . . ."

Then she pointed towards the flowers waving near the huge iron rail, the edge of this garden.

"They bloom for honey-bees."

"And all these flowers . . . Each one of them . . . bloomed for us."

She then paused for a second. Meanwhile I could only hear the chirping of birds and a little suppressed sound of water, coming from the fountain afar.

"Same is for Humans."

"We need to smile, we need to be happy for . . . the people around us."

Instantly, I found myself looking towards her. I got the answer for what I said her back then.

" You don't need to plaster your face with a smile always. "

I yelled and I don't know why.
Flashback end.

She then turned towards me, facing directly.

"Sorry for what happened that night."

She voiced while tucking a few locks of hair behind her ear.

Jihyo's P.O.V

'" Aish! I must not be late or else I'll get detention from Instructor Oh."
I was almost running on the pathway leading towards our department with one eye on my wrist watch and another one on the path. Not literally obviously!
Along the garden I saw two familiar faces, Hyeri and Yoon-gi probably. His face was in her direction and Hyeri was saying something.

Something? She's not spitting out something terrible right? Hyeri-ah not now!

Now I really ran towards her. By reaching near her I greeted loudly (like I was trying to interrupt them) while panting hard.

"You two came early?"
They always come early Jihyo! Use your brain
both nodded.
And then my eyes led towards Min-ah, She was coming in our direction. My face turned dark and I glanced over Hyeri.


< Min-ah is our batch-mate but she's in different department. She's studying business. >

When Min-ah came nearer, Yoon-gi's eyes caught her.

"Min-ah Yah!"
They greeted and hugged.
" You were coming over? "
" I texted you. "
" Oh! I didn't check. "

I looked at Hyeri. She was eyeing them. An unusual calmness hovered over her face. That wasn't normal.

Then I noticed Yoon-gi turned his head a little, gazed at Hyeri for a moment then turned his head back.

Something happened?
Then he and Min-ah left.

Something was off . . . or ON?

Then Hyeri and I rushed to the class.
When I hold Hyeri's hand, I saw her knuckles were all bruised. Same was with other one.

Oh Hyeri!

She must have done punching again. She had a punching bag in her house's store room. Whenever she got stressed, she'd spend a long time doing punching on her punching bag with her bare hands till her hands started to bleed.


It's our design class today. We had a small table-discussion about our previous work and then Inst. Oh and Inst. Cha gave a small lecture about our next stage.

Site Analysis.

We were asked to make groups of equal members to go for site analysis. After a lot of bickering and argument, our instructors announced that they themselves will decide our groups.

Hoseok and Hyeri were in same group with three other members.

I was with Namjoon and other three.
A sigh of relief!
Yoon-gi missed the first lecture probably because of Min-ah. He came in for remaining two lectures. We have three contact hours for our design studio. So Inst. Oh decided to put him for last to add in any group.
We are a strength of 32. A nerd was absent unexpectedly so Yoon-gi was 31st . The odd one. So Instructors let the groups decide who'd take him.

Any group would love to work with him because he was a real genius. Although he acted lazy and careless at times but whenever he would dig into an assignment, the outcome would definitely something great.

I was asking Namjoon about adding him but before anybody could say anything, Hoseok shouted.

"Yoon-gi ah! Come with us "
Then He turned towards Inst. Oh and said,
"We'll take him. "

I was searching a change in Hyeri's expressions, a sense of restlessness. But there was nothing . . . but an unfamiliar calmness.

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