Chapter 17-Heartache

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Soo Jung's POV

< Yoongs is the nick Soo Jung gave to Yoon-gi >

We all went for a Chinese restaurant because Jin Oppa decided. He was busy with his pre-thesis finals but still he spared his time for us. We all were expecting that Yoongs wouldn't come and he'd like to spend his post-Jury time with Min-ah so we'll get to decide about a special day coming in a week.

Yoongs' Birthday!

We all (except Yoongs ) planned to get together to decide when we're going to celebrate because it was going come during exams and Bangtans were already packed up with their songs and dance practices . But Yoongs came along so we threw it on some other day.

There was something clear as crystal that he was upset about something. I didn't ask because we were not at such place to discuss something like this. He may tell me later. I hope. He was trying to indulge in all the activities we were doing so it was good for now to not do ask anything and let him do what he wanted.
I shifted my attention towards our lovey-doveys, Yeri and Tae.
All of us were so focused on their every act. It was quite entertaining though. Tae was feeding Yeri from his fork and in return she smiled with scrunching her nose and eyes.


They weren't even acknowledging our presence.
It was some kind of ayegyo that she did for him and he looked so dumbfounded by that . My attention shifted towards my food and I eyed it took some morsels. Next thing I heard were some ' woahh's and ' what are you guys doing here's.

Tae was leaning towards Yeri and was about to kiss her. Like seriously, these maknaes have no sense of privacy.

"Yah Taehyung-ah! Can't you see where you are right now? "
Said me to him. I was annoyed because it was so cringe but I couldn't even held my laughter inside my mouth. Same was with others.

We were talking, laughing and eating and there was just fun that we were doing.

After doing justice with all the food we had on our table, we got up and went towards the game zone. We let Tae and Yeri go on their own, wherever they wanted. Our other maknae Jimin and Jungkook were more excited so they were walking ahead all of us. Then there were Liza, Hoseok and Jin oppa. Liza and Jin oppa were discussing about some design stuff and Hoseok , he was acting strange . He was sneakily glancing at Jihyo walking behind her with Hyeri and Namjoon . Jihyo was silent too and seemed like she was responding to his glances.

Man! They could talk. Why they were behaving so secretive?!

And Obviously behind all of them , It was me because I could see everyone , walking beside Yoongs .

"They look good together!"
He muttered. It sounded a little louder than a whisper because of the noise and music in the Gaming-Alley.

I asked, as I thought he too noticed Hoseok and Jihyo .

" Namjoon and . . . Hyeri! "
" Mwo? "
I actually chocked on my fresh lime that I ordered before finishing our meal.
Did he know that Namjoon is interested in Hyeri? No, Wait! This is what Hyeri thought. That means Namjoon actually likes Hyeri. That's why Yoongs said that about them. Obviously he'd definitely know whom his best friend likes!

"Umm Yeah!"
I answered uncertainly. I didn't know what to say. I mean they look normal to me. May be because Hyeri doesn't see him that way so I didn't find anything special picturing them together.

"Does she like him?"

Yoon-gi 's POV

Hyeri and Namjoon were walking together towards Gaming-Alley. There's a thing I have always noticed. She doesn't laugh much with Namjoon. They talk as if they'd no one around them and they talk about serious stuff. When he'd be speaking, she'd comment or nod her head or smile. When she'd speak, he'd comment too but mostly gazing at her.

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