(가시연 ) Thorn Lily: Main Story - CHAPTER 22

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"The person you're looking at right now is Yunho's first love! Do you believe me?" "Kim Jaejoong!!!!!!"

"The one Yunho loves... is me!"

Seeing the despair and look of defeat on her face, I finally tasted the sweetness of victory. Yunho immediately grabbed my wrist and my shoulder forcefully in an attempt to restrain me. Ouch! But I'm not someone who is so easily dealt with. I pulled my hand out of his grip, watching him glare at me. He looked furious, as if he hated me to the core then, as if I were a criminal. I found no trace of love in his eyes... And then he started pulling my hair and I thrashed about and screamed...

"Enough! Go upstairs now!!"

"Let go! You bastard! Did you expect me to endure this any longer!? I'm only taking responsibility for our love; is that such a scary thing? Is it!? Why does it always have to be me who speaks first? What right do you have to let me take the blame for you!?"

"Shut up!" "Ah!!!!!!"

Seeing me on the verge of madness, he exerted more force and pushed me to the corner of the room so hard that I almost felt my bones falling apart. I leaned on the wall and slid to the floor. Why do you have to treat me like this?

"You... You came to find me just to say these things?" "Sob... It hurts... Sob..."

He was trying so hard to control his anger, gritting his teeth, his eyes burning bright. I've said all that I wanted to say, so what's the use of being angry? She was so shocked that she couldn't react at all, but she has to face this. Your feelings for me, those naked and crude feelings... Contempt, hatred, betrayal... Let all these emotions crawl upon her like worms!

"What... Do you still not believe me...? Why make such a terrible face? Come on... You can hit me, vent your anger on me!"

"...Jaejoong, is this... is this real? I..." "Still in denial?"

Suh-hee looked like she was about to faint, wringing her hands into a ball. Her body couldn't stop quivering and her petite shoulders hung weakly. Even those pretty lips were pressed into a thin line. Her whole body told me how much she hated me, and that almost made me laugh till I teared.

I pulled myself to my feet with the wall. My chest hurt like mad with every breath, and it was hard to even breathe properly as I walked towards Yunho. I never took my eyes off him; he looked like he was afraid of me, but before he could escape, I was standing right in front of him. I reached a hand to the crook of his neck and kissed him.

"Mmrph... Kim Jaejoong...! Mm...!!"

"Ha... Mm, Yunho ah, open your mouth... Ah... Mm?"

Just he said my name, my agile tongue slipped into his mouth immediately and I sucked at his mouth, forcing him into submission with my beautiful tongue. His protests gradually became weaker and just as I was beginning to lose myself in this kiss, he suddenly pushed me away from him. Pity! But then I'd achieved my purpose.

"Shall I go further than this to show you? What about sex? If I could give birth, I'd probably have dozens of children in these 10 years..."

I licked the remaining saliva off the sides of my lips and she blushed furiously at my words.

And then, as gracefully as a cat, I pounced in front of her. Such a small frame! She had no idea of what I was about to do, staring furiously at me with a face that clearly expressed her desire to give me a tight slap but was trying desperately to contain her anger. What would it taste like?

Those lips that are pursed so angrily. Alright then! I'll let you hate me till you can't wait to throttle me...

I stuck out my tongue and licked her lips without hesitating...

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