(가시연 ) Thorn Lily: Main Story - CHAPTER 12

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Walking past the dark and mysterious swamp, I arrived at a familiar corridor. If I make a turn at the end, I'll reach a research lab that belongs to a professor who's very fond of me. Yunho had skipped class because of me, and that professor had deducted marks from him because of that. I was whining to him so badly that he couldn't ditch me for his exam, so in the end he only had half the marks he was supposed to be getting. Yunho had no choice but to accept his results, but when I saw him sigh at his paper, I immediately regretted my actions. So here I am, trying to beg the professor to be more lenient, hoping he likes me enough to listen to me.

"I'm terribly sorry... I'm the reason why Yunho skipped class..." "No! Are you listening to me at all?"

"Then deduct my marks, not his! Please?"

"Do you even have any marks for me to deduct?"

"Really? ...But... but please just discuss this with Yunho before deducting his marks. I'm begging you!"

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them...

I found myself looking up at the classroom ceiling... Those seniors whom Yunho warned me about have found me. The door was locked and I can't escape. I tried to hide in a corner of the classroom, but they caught me instantly. I can't fight against them! They pushed me down onto a desk and striped off all my clothes, revealing places where no one has seen before aside from Yunho. I couldn't stop trembling, my fearful eyes reflecting the faces of those three disgusting people. Yunho will never come, right? He's probably accompanying those cute girls who're always looking for him, so he won't pick up even if I call him right? ...I'm scared...

"Only Yunho's touched you here before, eh?"

"This place... He put it inside you here, right? Bastard... open up your legs more..."

I closed my eyes again and opened them slowly...

I made a crude sound as I tore off my clothes, and then I saw her face twist into shock as she entered the room. My body froze. She let out a high-pitched scream that could shatter mirrors. I couldn't stop shivering. You... what are you doing... I couldn't answer her at all, clenching my jaws to keep my teeth from chattering. She yelled at me.

"No... My Yunho... I saw it... You can't!!"

I closed my eyes again....

"Ah! Ha, ha "

It was a nightmare! I held a hand to my chest to steady my breathing. The space next to me on the bed was empty. I stood up immediately, but fell back to the bed with my head spinning. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. My heart rate's slowly going back to normal, and I could feel myself drenched in cold sweat. I opened my eyes again. An empty bed without him seems even more lonely than it should.

I tried to recall my dream, but then I realized that it was just another one of those where you have to keep fighting to wake up. I must stay awake! If I fell back into that nightmare, I'll probably end up dead!

I checked my watch: 2pm. Time passes by much more slowly in dreams than it does in reality. One minute here is almost an hour in my nightmare, so this nightmare has been tormenting me for a couple of hours I guess? I need to find some sort of compensation for the pain I'd suffered just now. I stood up, realized I was naked, and then proceeded to look for clothes. I felt like I needed fresh air so I walked down to the first floor. It's chilly everywhere, and there's no Suh- hee. The Suh-hee who greeted me warmly every morning. Even the maid wasn't there - I'm alone in this big house.

It's the weekends so Suh-hee couldn't have brought the maid to visit her parents. Maybe they went out for a while? I noticed that the table had a few covered dishes on it. They probably did go out! Next to the dishes was a note. I opened up the covers. Ah, they look really delicious.

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