(가시연 ) Thorn Lily: Main Story - CHAPTER 10

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"So, how did you guys end up getting married?"

She shifted uncomfortable in her seat. I bet she'd never thought I'll ask something like that. Are you afraid your own little secrets will be exposed? Women are just like sly foxes! One moment they're all intimate with you and then they reveal another side of them that's full of secrets, which makes them so hard to comprehend!

Maybe it's because I looked determined, for she gave in in the end.

"Uhn... we were matchmade."

"Ah... so both of you've never dated?"

Frankly, I don't even feel a hint of surprise at her answer.

"Because of pressure from my family, we didn't had time to do that." "I see..."

I had looked forward to hearing stories about my Yunho's love exploits, but it turned out like any other disappointing marriage of convenience. To think I thought she held back because of some special reason! Boring woman. But that also proved one thing: animals are indeed creatures that can be easily satisfied with sex. Because of family pressures, so they have to hurry up and have a child, or...is this just his way of trying to forget me?

Jung Yunho's women...he's not a complete homosexual so he'd had other women before, and he stilll slept with some of them when he was with me. Even though this makes me so jealous, even though I want all his love and his whole heart to belong to me and only me, but I'd never wanted to find out about them. Because back then I was always by his side, so even if I tried to stop them with my childish antics, I'll still have to end up sharing my Yunho with them.

But she's different! In these two years, I wasn't by his side, Jung Yunho abandoned me and got married! I'd tolerated this time and again but this is my limit. I don't care if she's his wife, or that she's pregnant, I just can't take this anymore!

"I heard Yunho had a first love..."

I nearly choked on my water, coughing until my face was flushed and my eyes were tearing. Her eyes seemed to ask, "Jaejoong you know about this, don't you?". I poured myself another glass of water. If lying is a sin, I'll gladly take the punishment. But concealing part of the truth doesn't count as lying, right?

"Oh... her. Yeah she's really beautiful! Pale skinned, raven hair, red lips... she was in the same school."

"Ah... during your high school days?"

"Yeah, in our first year... but that person liked Yunho's elder brother at first. He knew that." "Which brother...?"

Her eyes turned back to me.

"Suh-Hee has never met him before. He's Jung Eunho, Eunho-hyung..."

Every time I said his name, my hear will feel as if it's on fire. Those were the only three words other than Jung Yunho that could produce such a reaction in me. Jung Eunho. She could never have met him, the Eunho-hyung who's always so upright and so polite.

Now that I think about it, the Yunho now really resembles him a lot. Did he consciously tried to become that elder brother whom I'd liked? Even though he resented the fact that I never really forgot Jung Eunho, he ended up on the same path as his brother.

"That person liked Eunho-hyung at first, but after that she slowly fell in love with Yunho... It's because of her that Yunho changed. He was a delinquent back in school, you know? Always sporting wounds on his face... he even got his arm cut by glass before and I had to clean bandage it for him..."

She seemed really happy next to me. Her curiousity was probably greater than her jealousy towards Yunho's first love. Suddenly it made me feel very shallow, and it made me want to punch that pretty face because we both hold the same feelings towards Yunho! Why are you looking at me with such a kind expression!? Are you trying to guilt me?

Thorn Year (가시연) (ENG)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu