(가시연 ) Thorn Lily: Main Story - CHAPTER 8

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I was inside of a fluffy white cloud, the cotton candy like fog tickling the tip of my nose. I tried to blow it away. However, just as soon as it was pushed back, the thick whiteness returned to envelop me once again.

Even though I knew that I was being toyed with, I didn't mind. Continuing to blow without avail, and rubbing at my nose, I playfully complied with the teasing.

But suddenly, I was woken up by the sound of the strangest laugh. There was no mistaking that ridiculous chuckle; therewas no doubt that the voice that continued to ring in my ears was my own. My gosh, what the hell was I doing—

The shocking part was that I had done this all subconsciously. The fit of sneezes that followed the laughter forced me to finally wake up completely.

Yet it felt like someone was still persistently tickling at my nose.

By the time I was finally able to crawl out of bed, both my nose and eyes had both turned red from the sneezing. A shiver ran up my spine.

I surveyed my surroundings and caught a glimpse of the shirt that was lying where Yunho should have been. I snatched it up without a moment's hesitation and proceeded to push my arms into it.

The oversized shirt barely covered my thighs. Yunho's size always fit me just right- his clothes, his warm chest.

And even his cute cock...

Looking at the clock, I realized that I had only slept for a mere four hours.

Having been tormented by Yunho the night before, all the way until the sky outside had once again regained a dark blue, my lower body was still aching.

It felt as though something was running down my legs, but I paid it no mind. If it was his mark, I did not want to wipe it up.

There was no reason for me to stay on a bed without Yunho any longer. I made my way downstairs in search of him.


The first thing that reached my still half sleeping ears was the sound of softly muttered cursing.

Inside the kitchen was Yunho, positioned firmly over the stove. The sight of him from behind, clad only in a pair of pants, tempted me to run over as fast as my legs would carry me and press myself against his strong, lean form.

The tendrils of hot steam that was rising from the stove and the white swirls of smoke, mingled in harmony as they rose above Yunho's head. I could guess that there was a cigarette pressed between his lips; yet another flood of curses rushed past them.

Soon, with a hand on his hips, Yunho proceeded to tap the spatula in his hands noisily against the frying pan.

Tap, tap—.

Yet another onslaught of profanity was heard, following the sizzling sound of hot oil.

Like a cat, I padded towards him with delicate, tiny footsteps and pressed my lips against his solid shoulders.

Having noticed my arrival, he let out a big sigh. The two eggs that I could see over his shoulders were what I could only describe as an absolute mess.

The spatula had also fared a similar fate, covered with a thick layer of half cooked eggs. "Haha...What the hell is this...It looks like cake or something..."

Right on cue with my laugh, he tousled up his hair and chucked the spatula on to the counter. Thoroughly pissed off, Yunho continued to bite down mercilessly on an innocent spoon.

"Ah, fuck...I don't know. You do something about it."

"Why are you so bad at this...Haha...You do this every single time..." "Whatever. What's being good at something like this worth anyways..." "The eggs take after its master. It's sexy like you are..."

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