Chapter 37

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Killian's POV

Emma and I are living together so we both can be around for the baby and we have been secretly dating for about two months since we started working things out. Now I know most people would think hey why dont you marry the woman carrying your baby, but thats not what Im doing at all. Only two months of dating and its secret. Yeah no proposal here, but I do have something I hope Emma will love. These are the thoughts that ran through my head as the doctor was checking in on the baby.

"Hey could you not stare off into space." Emma says slapping my arm.

"Sorry love. I just have alot on my mind." I say.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Like I'll tell you later. You know when you pants are on." I say.

She just rolled her eyes at me so I grabbed her hand and just held it in mine. Mainly so she would stop being mad at me.

"Okay I could tell you the gender if you guys want." The doctor says.

"Well whisper the tell him outside this room." Emma says.

"Okay. Killian come with me and Emma you can get dressed." The doctor says.

He had told me the gender and I knew Emma would be happy. We came up with the idea that I would know the gender and then I would tell her and Lily in an exciting way just a week or so before the baby comes. As I pounder the thought of the baby's gender Emma walked out of the room.

"So I know what this little one is." I say placing my hand on her stomach.

"Yeah you know all the secrets dont you." She says and pushed my hand away.

"Okay you want to know what I did and what Im hiding fine. I'll tell you... Just not here." I say.

We ended up just driving around town for awhile and at first Emma was mad at me, but then she calmed down and listened to why I did what I did.

"Killian that egg meant alot to you. I cant believe you sold it. It makes me mad because we worked so hard to keep it." She says.

"I know Swan. Believe me I know how hard we worked. I had been protecting that egg for years. Though selling it was the right thing to do. Cause now we have millions on dollars. Well that we wont touch unless we really need it. I was think we mostly use it for colleges for Lily, our unborn child, and if we ended up working out and we ever have any other children then it would also be for their colleges as well." I say.

"Well I gotta say that does sound nice to have to not worry about college, but are you sure that it would just be for that?" Emma asks.

"Well... I did have other things in mind for us to use the money, but that wont be for another couple of months to a year or so." I say.

"And whys that?" She asks.

"Cause you its more of an alone thing. It would be best if the children wernt around." I say.

"Well I do like the sound of that, but Killian that egg was the last thing you had from your father are you sure you made the right choice?" She asks.

"Yeah Im sure. My father would be proud that I did it to secure a good life for my family. I made the right choice Swan." I say.

Once we got to the house Lily ran to meet us. Since Emma wasnt able to really pick her up anymore I did. This was my family and I love them and I know now that I made the right choice not just by selling the egg, but by finally giving Emma a chance. Cause not only are my feelings for her growing everyday as she grows out baby, but she has giving me a chance to be a better father then mine was. I will never let Emma, Lily, or our baby down.

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