Chapter 5

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Killian's POV

I was on my laptop at Granny's and for some reason I cant find any dirt on Emma. I mean she was in trouble as a kid, but who wasnt and it wasnt anything major. I was about to click on another page when Emma walked into the diner. Though she wasnt alone, she wasnt alone at all. She was with a child a small version of herself. When she saw me she sent her child to Granny for a second and then walked over to me.

"Jones." Emma says.

"Swan, Im busy." I say.

"Oh I bet. Hey did you find anything you can use to get rid of me?" She asks.

"Well... Umm..." I say.

"Thats what I thought. Oh and by the look on your face Im guessing you didnt know about my daughter yet. Well now you know. I guess I'll see you later." She says.

She walked over to the counter, took her coffee and her daughter and walked out. Bloody Hell, she has a kid.

"Hey I guess you saw Emma and Lily." David says.

"Yeah I suppose so. Lily would be the child right?" I question.

"Yeah. So you gonna keep this up or are you actually gonna be well civil?" He asks.

"Her having a kid changes nothing." I say.

"Wow now thats a new low even for you." He says.

He walked away and I dont really know what he meant by that. A few days later as Emma and I were just driving around things were just quiet.

"Her name is Lily and she is gets attached to people once she likes them. Thats why Im always late to work and why I leave early because its easier to get her away from Snow when its dinner time." Emma says breaking the silence.

"I didnt ask about your child now did I?" I question.

"Wow you are a grade A dick. I wonder how you got this way. I bet you have a huge skeleton in your closet." She says.

"Hey Swan do me a favor and shut up. Dont talk about things you dont know. Oh and I advise its best you dont go snooping around in my person life." I say.

"Oh so its okay for you to go through our system to try and find out my personal life, but when I say one thing you get all mad. Geez its like no one can win with you. You just have to be superior to all." She says.

"Me digging through your past is different. Now dont you dare go digging through mine." I say.

"And why not?" She asks.

"Lets just put it this way. You go through my past your daughter will be motherless. Do you understand?" I ask.

"Are you threatening me right now?" She asks.

"It wasnt a threat Swan. Its a warning. If you dont want to be in harms way and leave your child motherless then I suggests my past stays there. It comes back up and we are all in danger." I say.

"Fine whatever." She says.

I knew she didnt believe me, but I am telling the truth. She was right about one thing I do have a reason why Im this way and I do have a few skeletons in my closet. Though now Im trying to make sure that Emma doesnt get mixed up into this. Not that I care about her, but because I dont want to see a little girl become motherless because of me. I just hope she will listen to me.

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