Chapter 20

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Emma's POV

Killian ended up staying with us for hours last night. He didnt leave until Lily went to bed. Mostly cause she wouldnt leave him alone. I on the other hand was shocked at how well he was with her and how he didnt seem to mind. Maybe if things wernt crazy right now and he wasnt an asshole when we met then maybe things would be different between us. I needed to stop thinking about him and focus on my daughter just playing outside in the yard.

"Look Mommy. Killian here." Lily says and Killian got out of his car.

"I can see that. Killian why are you hear. I thought we had plans to work later." I say.

"Well we did, but you wont believe what I found out." Killian says.

"Well come on in. Lily baby Im sorry, but you need to go play in your room." I say.

We all were heading inside and I noticed that Lily has grabbed Killian's hand and was pulling him inside. Once we got inside I told Lily again to go to her room, but she had another idea.

"Umm Swan." Killian says as I noticed Lily had attacked herself to Killian's leg.

"I really dont know why she does that, but what you have to say can be said in front of her right?" I ask.

"Yeah. Its not bad its just alittle crazy." He says.

"Well what is it? I would ask you to sit, but that might be hard with her attached to you leg." I say.

"Love, David isnt David or so I think." He says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"It means David has a twin I knew nothing about. So if his twin is evil then that would explain all the weird ways David is acting. You know not caring about Snow, saying Im the liar, flirting with you. See those things are not David." He says.

"So David has an evil twin that is somehow in linked to this stuff?" I ask.

"Pretty much." He says.

"Then we need to take him down." I say.

"And we will. We just need to send her off to Liam before we do." He says.

Killian had a plan and I wasnt sure what it was but he wanted my help and that felt nice. Once we arrived at Liam's Lily through a fit about it she really is oddly attached to Killian. We finally got her to let go and Killian and I headed to a restaurant.

"Whats the plan?" I ask.

"Well it turns out David's brother's name is James. Someone close to him works here." He says pointing at a waitress.

"Killian what are you doing?" I ask.

"We are just gonna talk to her." He says.

As we sat down the woman came over to take out order. Though Killian asked her to sit down and join us for a second.

"I need to work why are you having me sit?" The woman asks.

"Well this regards James Nolan. Do you know him?" Killian asks.

"I did, but he... He left. Wait is he dead?" She asks.

"No, but Im Detective Jones and we need to talk to you." Killian says flashing his badge.

Man he looks sexy when he does that and I think this bitch thinks so to

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Man he looks sexy when he does that and I think this bitch thinks so to. If she tries to make a move I'll kill her.... Wait...Focus Emma focus.

"Look Miss. James seems to be pretending to be his brother. Do you know anything about this and why?" I ask.

"Actually I do. He is obsessed with having everything his brother has. So he got mixed up with a group who all cant seem to leave things in the past. I told him if this is who he is then I dont want to be apart of his life. He didnt take my dumping him lightly he went crazy. I wouldnt be surprised if he locked his brother up in a basement somewhere." She says.

"So would he hurt David's wife if he took her too? Also who are these people he is around?" Killian asks.

"Well these people I dont know, but he said one's name was Silver. As for David's wife I dont think he would hurt her. Then again he can be alittle crazy." The woman says.

"So he is like mentally ill?" I ask.

"Yeah so if he is doing this stuff its like not really him and if the Silver knew how messed up he can get then he is using him." She says.

"Well thats all we need. Thank you for your time." Killian says.

"Well if you need anymore time to talk just call." She says and hands him her number.

"Ugh flirty bitch." I mumble.

"What was that Swan?" Killian asks.

"Nothing can we go? Yeah we can! Okay see ya." I say and dragged Killian out of there.

Okay so maybe I got alittle jealous. I dont know why, but Killian does this thing to me where I just get alittle crazy when other women are around him. Well I have to shake it loose we have what we need. Now we can try and take this case farther or so I thought when I got a call telling me that Lily was missing.

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