Chapter 30

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Emma's POV

6weeks ago Killian left my house after staying the night with my daughter and I and hasnt brought it up at all. Just like 3 and half months ago we slept together and we never speak about it. I guess this is just how it will be. Killian will never know how I feel and we will never speak about meaningful times together. I mean 6weeks ago Lily turned 3 and Killian was beyond sweet and then the next day nothing. He must really not like me. I mean we talk at work and he comes over every night to put Lily to bed, but thats it. On top of all this crap I've been sick for the last week although its just a small stomach bug that doesnt last long.

"Emma? Emma? Are you okay?"David questions as he knocks on the bathroom door.

"Yeah Im fine." I say.

I quickly wash off the puke and eats some mints and I walked out.

"You sure your okay? This is the 5th day this week you have thrown up." He says.

"David its fine. I think the food I hate this morning was expired or under cooked." I say.

"Emma thats been your excuse for the last 5days." He says.

"Can we just drop it? Please I dont want to talk about this." I say.

"Yeah okay... Oh look theres Killian why dont you two go patrol the town." He says.

I didnt say anything I just walked over to the car and climbed in. Killian then go in the drivers seat and started driving. I just sat there and started to feel sick again.

"Hey do you have a bag?" I ask him.

"Yeah in the glove box. Is something wrong?" Killian asks.

"Yeah I feel sick. God I think I caught the flu or eat something bad." I say.

"Well how about I take you home?" He questions.

"No I have something in my bag to help." I say.

I opened my bag and started looking for my medicine and then saw a whole bunch of travel tampons and realized it had been months since... Oh shit.

"Swan? You okay?" Killian asks.

"Can you pull over?" I ask him.

"Sure need more medicine?" He questions as he pulls into the pharmacy parking lot.

"Yeah something like that." I say.

I got out of the car and went inside. I had to purchase something I hadnt bought in 3 years and 9 months. I bought it and used the bathroom. Thats when what I thought it was ended up being true. I went back to the car and sat in silence.

"Swan? Hey talk to me. What wrong?" Killian asks.

"Three and a half months ago we slept together. Its been that long since my friend arrived. Besides you were my first in a very long time. So I know its yours." I say.

"Swan what are you saying?" He asks.

"Im pregnant. We're pregnant." I say.

I didnt even look at him as I handed him the pregnancy test. Neither of us said anything. We just sat in the parking lot completely silent. Well it looks like Killian will be in my life forever now. We are having a baby. Our own little baby. I just hope he wants to be in our lives cause I will do this with or without him. Though I want to do this with him. A baby. Killian and I are having a baby. So who knows what will happen between us now. This baby brings a chance to be together. Sure we didnt plan this, but maybe this is whats best. I looked over at Killian who was just staring off into space. I wonder what he is thinking. Then he looked at me and said nothing. I looked back at the test in his hand. Im pregnant with Killian's baby. What are we going to do about this?

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