Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

Killian was weird the other day about his past which made it hard to resits not to go digging through his past. Though every time I think about it I think about how he said Lily would become Motherless. That scared me half to death so I never went digging through his past.

"Mommy I hungry." Lily says.

"I know baby. We are almost at Granny's." I say.

"Okay." She says.

Once we arrived at Granny's I noticed Killian was there and he gave me that look as usual. Like he still wants to get rid of me. Its like me having a child doesnt change his mind.

"Oh Emma that thing you wanted I have information about it." Granny says.

"Okay thanks. Just give me a second." I say.

"What she talk about Mommy?" Lily asks.

"Oh nothing. Hey Lily come with me I want you to meet someone." I say talking her hand and walking over to Killian.

"What do you want Swan? Im busy." Killian says.

"I have to follow up on something and your the only other person I know thats here right now." I say.

"What does that..." He begins to say.

"Now Lily this is Killian. He works with me. Now just sit here while I talk to Granny about something." I say placing her next to him.

"Swan... Dont I...." Killian says not knowing what to say.

I walked over to the counter and Granny told me all about the surprise thing I was getting for Lily

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I walked over to the counter and Granny told me all about the surprise thing I was getting for Lily. It was the least I could do considering I work alot and her father's gone.

"So your little gift to your daughter should be ready in a few days." Granny says.

"Thank you this is really nice of you." I say.

I turned around and noticed something I never thought I'd see. Killian was actually being normal.. Well with Lily anyway. Its weird ever since we moved Lily has had a hard time being around any other men. Though when it comes to Killian she has no problem being around him. This could spell trouble or this could change everything. Though I gotta say Killian is actually kind of attractive when he is playing with my daughter. Oh my god what did I just say? I dont mean that... Yes I do... No... Yes..... Ugh... Maybe... Great now Im confused. Now I dont know if I hate Killian, like him, or sexually attracted to him. Oh now things just got very weird.

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