Chapter 31

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Killian's POV

Yesterday Emma told me she was pregnant with my baby and I have no idea what to do now. After she told me I just got out of the car and walked home leaving her well alone. I just dont know what to do about this. Emma has been calling me since I left and I havent answered her calls. To be honest I dont even want to see or speak to her right now. I just sat on my couch with a rum bottle in my hand not knowing what is going to happen now that Emma is pregnant.

"Killian? You in there?" Snow asks knocking on the door.

"Of course he is in there." David says.

I didnt move and I didnt let them in, but I forgot that David has a key. The door opened and they both came in.

"Oh Killian you look terrible." Snow says taking my rum away from me.

"Seriously Jones this is what your doing. Leaving Emma alone, hiding in your house, avoiding her. What is the matter with you?" David asks.

"David some people react to pregnancy news different. It would be a different story if they were a couple or something. Look I know the way he is handling it is stupid, but its his way to process this." Snow says.

They were talking about me, Emma, and this baby thing as I just sit here not knowing what to say or do. I grabbed my bottle of rum back as the two of them just started trying to find our how to fix me. Then things seemed to get worse.

"Well isnt this a lovely picture." Emma says.

It would seem that David and Snow did not shut the door and now she was here and I dont know what to do.

"Emma hey." David says.

"How are you? You know with everything?" Snow asks.

"Im okay. I just have to talk to him and I would appreciate it if we were alone." Emma says.

"Of course. See if you can make him talk." Snow says.

"Best of luck. I think we lost him." David says.

Snow walked out and before David left he took my rum away again and walked out with it. I looked at Emma and she just seemed mad.

"Okay since you wont talk then I will. You dont have any idea what its like to be alone. Especially after telling the father of your child your pregnant. Killian you cant hide in your house and Im not going away. We have to talk about this whether you like it or not. So no matter how shocked you are and how badly you want to push me away the one thing that wont change is the fact that Im pregnant. We are having a baby and your just going to have to except that. So when your ready we'll talk cause whether your involved or not you will have a child out there. So process this in your own way and when your ready to stop acting like a jerk then we can talk. Oh and before I go I went to the doctors after you left me and they said they baby is fine and healthy. I also brought you one of the ultrasound photos. I guess I'll see you hopefully." She says.

She placed the ultrasound thing on the coffee table and walked out closing the door behind her. I didnt know what to do at first, but a part of me was saying pick it up and that what I did. Looking at the photo of what was just a small dot and I couldnt stop think about how this little thing was my child. I then turned it over and Emma had written me a note.

This is our baby and I cant do this without you. Please we need to work this out because our child will need you. I need you. Please dont leave me in this alone.


I looked back at the photo and I just focused on the small dot knowing that it was my child. I now knew what I must do and that was to not leave Emma in this alone. She doesnt deserve that and neither does my child. Im going to be a father and for the first time since Emma told me I wasnt scared anymore. Im going to be a father and now I cant wait.

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