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This was one of the first books I ever wrote and I HATE the way that I wrote the beginning. Although I keep it up because it did get better, and a lot of people enjoy it. So, since I see enough of the negative comments...try not to be TOO mean. This book gets way better, and the sequel especially shows my improvement in writing.

Addison Waters

I set down the last box of my things, sighing as I stood up. Taking a look around my little apartment.

I heard my phone buzzing on my coffee table, I went over to it and saw it was work calling.

I work full time at a furniture store, It's more household items though.

"Hello, Addison."

"Hi, what's up?"
I asked, taking a seat.

"Are you able to come in earlier than usual tomorrow? We have a few more people applying, and no one else is able to cover the interviews."

"Yeah, I guess I could come in. About how early?"

"An hour earlier than usual, so seven. I can count on you to be here?"

"I'll be there." I said smiling, even though she couldn't see me.

"Okay, have a good rest of your day."

I don't really like my manager, she's a little too strict considering the minimum wage job we work at.

But it's not that big of a deal, we get new managers often. As odd as it is.

I peered out the window, my eyes soon darting towards my record player that laid on the desk.

I turned it on and kept tame impala playing, which was already sitting in the record.

I laid on my couch and shut my eyes, taking a quick breather.

Music really helps me relieve my stress, I'm 19, and my teen years were hard enough.

But now being hit with all of these responsibilities? It's tougher than I thought it would be, it's really taken a toll on me.

But worst of all, I miss my family so much. My mom and I are so close, she's  probably my best friend if I'm being honest..  my dad is also always there for me, he really understands me. Maybe even better than my mom on some occasions, as much as I hate to admit it.

I'm so happy I finally have my own place, my parents paid for the first few months rent, but what's making me stress is how hard I'm going to have to work to be able to pay for it.

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