Chapter 44

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Yuri's POV

I can't live without him any longer. I call Victor.

"Otabek is my soulmate!" I yell.

"Took you long enough to realize" Victor laughs.

"Is he at the rink tonight?"

"No, he left hours ago"

"Okay, I'm heading out to his house now"

"Can we come? We would love to see this" Victor asks excitedly.

"Yeah sure" I laugh, I can't wait to see him again. 

Even if he doesn't want me back I will fight forever to be back in his arms.

We reach Beka's apartment and open the door nervously, something isn't right.

"Beka!" I scream.

He is lying lifeless on the couch with an empty bottle of pills and vodka on the floor next to him. I look over at Victor.

"Call an ambulance!" I scream.

"I waited too long! Too long!" I sob and start holding his Beka's hand.

"He's gone Yuri..."

"Please, please!"


"Beka wake up!!"



"Yuri! wake up!"

"Huh? Chto?"

I open my eyes to see Victor and Yuuri looking down at me with messy hair and wide eyes, I must have woken them up. 

I start sobbing as I look around and realize I'm in Victor's house not Beka's, I'm shaking and sweating but Victor grabs me and holds me in his arms.

"It was a nightmare, what happened Yuri? You kept screaming that you waited too long and to wake up in Russian"

"Did I?" I ask wiping my tears from my eyes, suddenly I remember "Oh shit!" I yell and run from the bedroom and out of the house.

"Yuri stop!"

"He's my fucken soulmate and I gave him up!" I yell back at Victor.

Victor chases after me but I make it to the car and start driving to Beka's, I hope he's okay. 

I park on the road outside his apartment and run up the stairs and throw open the door. 

He's lying on the couch with a vodka bottle in his hand... oh god! It's true!

"No! Beka!"

He opens his eyes wide and gasps.

"Yuri?! What the fuck? Why are you here?"

"You are alive" I sob.

"What? Yeah of course I am alive, why wouldn't I be?" he gives me a puzzled look as Victor suddenly appears at the door but stays back.

"I am so sorry Beka, I love you! I always have!"

"You broke my fucking heart" he says suddenly very stern before standing up and locking himself in his bedroom. I bang on his door before leaning against it.

"Beka please! I was so young and stupid, I never should have let you go!"

"Menen ket!"

"I don't understand" I wish I had learned Kazakh now.

"Go away!" he yells at me.

"No! Never again! I will never leave you again I promise!"

"Yuri please I can't take the pain" he says weakly.

I start sobbing harder.

"I will fight for you no matter what! I know you can't forgive me but I will never stop fighting, you are my soulmate. We were made for each other, I was just made too late."

Hope fills my heart when I hear the lock click, I shove the door open to see Beka in tears.

"Hey" I say gently wiping away his tears, we are closer in height now and it makes me sad how much time we have missed.

"If you leave me again I don't think I can handle the pain" he whispers sadly.

I wrap my arms tightly around him.

"I will never leave you" I promise him.

He hesitates before holding me tight and touches my long braid. I pull back slightly and we kiss for the first time in two years. The familiar warmth spreads through my heart and it brings me back to life.

"Aww" Victor and Yuuri are watching us, both of them are in tears.

"Get it together old men" I yell before focusing all my attention on Beka, I feel him smile against my lips.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now