Chapter 18

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Yuri's POV

I look around so overwhelmed by the decorations, people, presents and even cake. 

All the skaters I know are here. Phichit, Chris, Emil, Michele and Sara, Georgi, Mila, Leo, Guang Hong, even Seung-Gil although it looks like Phichit, Leo and Guang Hong dragged him here. I gasp a little when I see even Yuko here, she must have flown all the way from Japan to see me.

And of course, Victor and Yuri, the party is taking place in their apartment but I barely recognize it under the lavish decorations that were obviously Victors doing. 

I turn around to hug Beka so happy and surprised that all these people had come for me even though all I did was yell at them. I hold on to Beka mainly so no one else will hug me. I watch as everyone starts doing their own thing chatting amongst themselves, I move towards the food table licking my lips but stop suddenly when I see J-J and his wife here! 


Beka wraps his arms around me from behind and whispers in my ear. 

"He found out and kept asking me to come and after a while I just gave up and said yes but only if he promises to be on his best behavior" 

I'm a little pissed but remember that I smashed him at the GPF so I just shrug and start eating when Beka releases me. 

I wish grandpa was here but he did give me a call last night so he was sure to be the very first person to wish me a happy birthday. I grab one of the pirozhkis and when I taste the familiar filling I almost drop it, it's my grandpa's pork cutlet bowl pirozhkis but how?

"Are they okay?" asks Yuuri who has suddenly appeared at my side.

"Where did you get these?" I whisper desperately.

"Your grandfather called me yesterday and told me to make them for you since he can't be here, he gave me step by step instructions over the phone" says Yuuri in a shy voice.

I feel my exterior melt away and wrap my arms around Yuuri.

"O-oh" he says in surprise but I don't let go, if grandpa asked him to make these then he must like him. Yuuri's arms hesitantly wrap around me as if he thinks I may karate chop him at any second, I look over Yuuri's shoulder to see Victor and Beka both have very exaggerated shocked expressions on their faces I laugh loudly at Yuuri's discomfort before releasing him and stuffing more pirozhkis in my mouth. 

Yuuri walks slowly over to Victor. 

"Are you sure you kidnapped the real Yuri Plisetsky?" he asks Beka, they all laugh but I don't care I am so happy. 

I open my presents at the table and love each and every one even J-Js which are plush cat ears that I put on straight away. Yuuri and Victor hand me an envelope with a voucher for driving lessons and I.O.U for a car once I pass my driving test! I can't believe it.

"Thanks guys!" they just smile at me like proud parents. 

I can't help but notice no present from Beka... what's that about? 

We leave a few hours later very full and tired after a glass of champagne each, Victor has expensive taste.

Beka parks his bike outside his apartment and we walk in hand in hand before Beka runs off in to the bedroom and I hear him shuffling through his closet. 

I walk in confused to see Beka holding a big beautifully wrapped box in his hands with a huge smile on his face. 

"I wanted to give you this alone" 

I walk towards him and lay the box on his bed, I untie the ribbon and lift the lid.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ