Chapter 21

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A/N Just a short one.

Otabek's POV

Yakov shouts.

"Yuri is moving back here right now!"

"Yakov it's just young love leave it alone"

"Stay out of this Victor!"

"Mila for fuck sakes can't you keep your hands to yourself?"

"Fuck off Georgi! Who are you to talk anyway with your hands all over Yuuri?!"

"What? Stay away from my Yuuri!"

"Victor baby calm down"

"I'm staying with Otabek! Yakov you need to deal with it!"

"You are 15 Yuri!"

"Fuck off I'm 16!"

Lilia stands up "That's enough! This yelling is pointless not to mention giving me a migraine. Yuri will move back with me to train as planned"

"NO!" I yell suddenly...

Everyone looks at me in shock... oh I don't so feel good... why am I shaking? I'm dizzy again... Worse...


Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now