Chapter 28

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Yuri's POV

I freeze. That's the first time he has ever actually said that, I want to say it back but I can't seem to speak right now. He looks at me with a scared look on his face.

"Yuri I'm sorry it's too soon for you, you don't have to say it back if you aren't sure. I-I am sorry I...."

He runs off to the bathroom. 

What the fuck just happened? 


I try to open the bathroom door but it's locked.

"Beka let me in!" I bang on the door starting to worry about him.

"Beka for fuck sakes open the door!" A few silent seconds pass before I hear the click of the lock. I barge in to see Beka crying. 

Fuck! What do I do? I can't bear to see his pain. I must love him, I love him! 

"Beka you idiot! I love you!" I yell at him. 

He looks at me trying to determine if I am being truthful and apparently decides I am. He runs towards me and I jump in to his arms, I feel tears drip down my face and say it again:

"I love you"

"I love you too kitten" he moves his face in front of mine and kisses me gently still crying. I pull away slowly.

"Get a hold of yourself Beka" 

He laughs and kisses me again before putting me down.

"I look like such a mess right now" he says rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah me too" I laugh.

"I'd better have a shower now"


We stand in silence.

"Can I-"

"Do yo-"

"Yes" I reply shaking a little, he smiles and turns the shower on. I turn and close the bathroom door. I shuffle near the door and hold my arm awkwardly still a little self-conscious around him, I don't know why this makes me so worried.... 

I have been naked in the hot springs with both Yuuri and Victor and I didn't care then but I worry about what Beka will think of me. 

He doesn't seem to have the same problem, he takes off his clothes and stands naked in front of me. Wow. He looks even more toned than usual although we haven't seen each other without tops on for weeks because of our rigorous training schedules.



"Don't over think this" he whispers before lifting my shirt off over my head, I feel my cheeks heat up and surprisingly so do his. 

I turn away from him and take my jeans off, calm down I tell myself. I hear Beka climb in to the shower and take a deep breath before following him in. He takes my hand and helps me over the dip in his shower. 

I look in his eyes trying not to let them wander, he laughs a little as he grabs the shampoo and pours it in to his hands before rubbing it in my hair gently. He's so good at this, I sigh loving my head massage. He gently pulls me under the water.

"Ah shit that's hot!"

"Oh sorry" he says quickly turning the temperature down.

"Shit! How do you handle that heat?"

"I've always had hot showers now shut your mouth I'm rinsing"

I hum and close my eyes as he rinses my hair.

"Done, you can open your eyes now"

I slowly open my eyes to see Beka smiling down at me, he presses his lips against mine. It's such a different experience, it's a mix of warm water, steam and the smell of the shampoo, still wonderful though. He pulls away and grabs my hand before grabbing the shampoo bottle again and pouring some in to my hand

"My turn" he smiles.

I reach up to him and try to replicate the massage he gave me, I feel him hum slightly. I hope he likes this. 

No one has ever trusted me like this, he is at his most vulnerable right now giving me complete control as he closes his eyes. I pull him under the water and start rinsing his hair, I finish and turn away from him.

"Can I open my eyes yet?"

"Oh! Yeah all good"

He opens his eyes and rubs them with his hands.

"Can you hand me the body wash?" 

Oh fuck... are we going to do that too?

"Okay" I say trying to sound confident as I pass it to him.

"Hey it's okay we can do ourselves, I just wanted to touch your hair and show off my massage skills."

I laugh in relief and start washing myself, careful not to look at Beka. He turns the shower off and helps me out, I grab a towel and walk to the bedroom Beka follows behind. 

We both dry off and Beka lays in bed under the covers.... 

Still naked.... 

Okay I need something.... 

I get an idea and grab one of Beka's bigger shirts and slide it on so it covers everything and crawl into bed beside him. His eyes widen when he sees me in his shirt.



"Looking good in that shirt" he laughs.

"Oh, shut up" I laugh back before laying my head on his shoulder.

His skin is unbelievably soft against my cheek, I give his shoulder a kiss before my eyes droop and I fall to sleep.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now