Chapter 36

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Otabek's POV

"You are pink"

That's the first thing I hear as I leave the bathroom.

"How hot did you have it?"

"Very" I reply with a laugh.

Yuri is sprawled across the bed staring at the ceiling.

"Feeling any better?" I ask.

"Yeah, could do with a shower and a nap though"

"Wait until the flight and sleep on the plane"

We fly home on the midnight flight which in hindsight was probably not my best idea, I didn't know I would be hungover today though. Stupid... It was Victor and Yuuri's wedding.. I should have known. 

"Aw shit I forgot... we haven't packed or anything. Can you move the flight? I don't think I can handle it."

"Sorry but its confirmed and we need to be out of the hotel" I say.

"That's just great... Okay I'll have a shower and pack after, I can't be fucked right now"

"Okay" I shrug as he turns to the bathroom. 

I can't help it.... 

I give his butt a tap before he walks in.

"Hey hands off"

"Great butt" I whisper in his ear.

He growls but purposely swings his hips as he walks in and closes the door. I smirk and throw some casual clothes on before starting to pack.

Riiinnng Riiiiinnnng ~~~

My phone goes off and I grab it quickly, Victors name flashes on the screen.. what could he possibly want?

"Morning" says a very tired and hungover Victor.

"It's afternoon"

"Is it? I just remembered, you guys fly out tonight yeah?"


"Can you drop off Yuri's suit at my hotel, I have extra baggage allowance for it"

Ugh do I have to? 


"The car!"


"Oh, I forgot that my rental car is outside your hotel so I have to come anyway, I'll be there in about three hours"

"Okay, thanks Otabek"

"All good" I say with a yawn before ending the call.

I'd better get an Uber... Yuri will not be happy. We chose this hotel specifically so he wouldn't have to see Victor and Yuuri after their wedding night. 

I load our suitcases into the Uber and give the driver the hotel address. We arrive and walk towards the hotel after re loading our suitcases into the rental car.

"I can't look Victor in the eye knowing what he did with the pork cutlet bowl last night"

The what? Cutlet bowl? I haven't heard that one... I'm not even going to ask.

"Grow up Yuri people make love all the time, I bet it wasn't their first time either"

"Ew I don't want to know what goes on behind Victors closed doors!" 

I laugh a little, I am so dirty minded. 

Victor greets us when we pass through the doors, his hair is all ruffled, bloodshot eyes and appears to be limping slightly although he's trying to hide it. 

"Thanks, Otabek" he says as I pass him the suit "Hey Yurio"

"Ugh I can't look at you right now"

Victor looks puzzled at first but then gives a little wink "Sorry Yuuri couldn't come say goodbye but he's sick and tired so he can't get out of bed"


"From the hangover" I say gently hitting Yuri in the chest trying to not feel awkward.

"Okay well see you guys at the final, we won't be back until then" Victor says before walking briskly up the stairs.

"Bye Victor"

"Lets get the hell out of here.."

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now