Chapter 16

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Otabek's POV

The second I open my eyes I know I have slept in longer than usual, I reach over careful to not wake the stunning Russian boy asleep on my chest to grab my phone, its 10:30am? Wow I haven't slept in so long in years. 

I guess it makes sense after tossing and turning most of the night missing Yuri. 

He kissed me again! I'm so excited, hopefully our relationship will develop now but I know he will take a long time and I don't mind. I've waited this long.... 

Yuri moans in his sleep "Beka"

He's dreaming about me...

"Beka... pozhaluista" he whimpers. "Ne.... Ne ukhodi"

Do ... something go? I am not fully fluent in Russian and he's mumbling so it's hard to catch.

I shake him gently "Yuri"

He suddenly wakes up breathing heavily.

"Oh, you are still here... whew..." 

"Of course I'm here Yuri, nightmare?"

"I don't get nightmares..." he growls "but maybe..."

I give a light laugh and raise a hand to his cheek, he shivers slightly and I back off slowly. He bites his lip and looks away, so adorable, I smile and slip out of bed. 

"Let's go for a ride on my bike today, I'll take you out to the beach" his face lights up, I guess we both miss my bike.

The sea breeze flows through me like a cleanse, droplets of sea water land in my hair. I love the beach even in winter I think closing my eyes. I sit on the sand and Yuri curls up next to me, I rest my arm around his shoulders.

"So... your birthday is coming up" I say slowly

"Yeah two weeks, I can't wait to be 16 hopefully people will take me more seriously instead of a stupid kid"

"Yuri, people do take you seriously" I reply.

"Well you do"

"Always have"

"Good" he laughs stretching out his legs on the sand.

"Have you got me anything?"

"Yuri!" I laugh but... yes. 

I knew the perfect thing.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum