Chapter 22

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Yuuri's POV

"Beka!" screams Yurio rushing to his side.

Otabek lays unconscious on the ice and everyone freezes for a few seconds in shock, except Yurio who is desperately hugging him and screaming his nickname over and over. 

Lilia grabs her phone and calls 112 for an ambulance, Victor is the strongest one of us and lifts Yurio off Otabek who kicks and screams obscenities at him. I look over to see Georgi holding Mila back so I lean down to Otabek and check his pulse and breathing.

"Don't touch him fat pig!"

"Hey! Settle down don't call him that!"

"It's okay Victor and Yurio he is alright just passed out, I've done this a few times when I'm stressed"

Tears start streaming down Yurio's face as he stops fighting Victor and begins crying in to his arms.

"Yuri" Otabek moans quietly, only loud enough for me to hear. 

I lean down and push his hair back from his face, he's sweating pretty bad. I recognize the signs and see he is having a panic attack.

"It's okay, Yurio is here" I whisper to him still stroking his hair. 

I can still hear Yurio whimpering in Victors arms. I would have to be an idiot not to see how much these two men love each other, I had a few panic attacks as I slowly discovered my love for Victor. 

I could also see in their eyes earlier today although I know what Yakov thinks, they have not had sex, they are responsible. 

I can see tears falling from Victors eyes, perhaps he's remembering Takeshi holding him back when I fainted on the ice. 

The paramedics arrive and check him over before shifting him to a stretcher.

"I'm coming!" yells Yurio fighting Victor again.

"No, you are not" shouts Yakov not in anger but because he is worried about Yurio.

"Me and Yuuri will take you but you need to calm down" says Victor calmly.

"Fuck! Fine! Let me go! Please..."

Victor lessons his grip on the boy and skates over to me.

"Start the car baby" he says "I'll stay with Yurio"

"Okay" I say quickly ripping off my skates, throwing on my jacket and grabbing my keys. 

I jump in to the car and start it up, I look out the window and see a very frantic Yurio running towards the car. Yurio jumps in to the passenger side and Victor slides in the back, we drive in silence to the emergency room. 

The second I park the car Yurio jumps out and runs inside, I turn to see Victor exhausted in the back seat so I toss the keys to him and chase after Yurio. 

Oh crap! Where is he?


Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now