Chapter 41

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Otabek's POV

"I'm retiring from skating" I say to my coach with a straight face, having cried myself out last night.

"Otabek I respect your decision but are you sure? You have worked so hard"

"Yes, I am sure, I don't really have inspiration anymore"

He gives me a quick hug before I walk away. I walk out of the hotel thinking about my future and moving back to Kazakhstan when suddenly I see a shadow of someone standing in front of me. 

I look up to see Yuuri.

"Otabek I heard about everything"

Of course he did, I frown at him but this time Yuuri doesn't back off. 

"What are your plans now?"

I shrug my shoulders trying not to cry.

"Stay in Russia, Victor and I would love to have you work with us at the rink"


"Victor and I bought a rink that we are going to do up and work in since we are retiring."

"I'll think about it"

Yuuri smiles and hugs me, a single tear drops from my face on to his shoulder and I pull away trying to hide my face from him.

"See you in Saint Petersburg" I whisper before turning away.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now