Chapter 39

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A/N angst coming your way for the next few chapters, skip to the end to see what happens if you can't handle it haha

Otabek's POV

I strike my final pose on the ice, listening to the cheers around me. 

Shit! I didn't do my best, I wobbled after my quad loop. I receive my free skate score which is high but unfortunately not high enough to beat Yuuri's score. 

Yuri is up next "Yuri! Davai!" I yell to him, he gives me a thumbs up.

We have been having issues in our relationship lately from all the stress of the finale. I don't know if the issues will stop unless Yuri wins gold. I watch as Yuri begins his free skate and become mesmerized, he is so graceful and beautiful on the ice, I love him so much. 

My heart drops when I see him fall from a jump because now I know he won't surpass Yuuri. 


Yuri still scores higher than me so I am currently in third, Yuri is in second and Yuuri is in first with only Victor left to skate. I know I won't make it to the podium today. I look around but I can't see Yuri anywhere as Victor starts to skate, I'll see him on the podium soon anyway, I hope he's okay.

To the surprise of the whole world Yuuri wins his first gold while Victor takes a very close silver. Yuri stands with his bronze medal and he looks pissed. I try to go and talk to him but he disappears through the crowd.

"Yuri!" I try to yell but he is gone.

"Otabek! Good job!" yells Yuuri and he gives me a quick hug, his gold medal is swinging from his neck and he looks beyond ecstatic. Victor wraps his arms around Yuuri with happy tears in his eyes. 

"You were a worthy opponent Yuuri" Victor cries happily.

I smile weakly "Good job guys" 

"You too" they say cheerfully before walking away.

Yuri... where are you...

I head to the banquet hoping to see Yuri there but I can't see him anywhere.

"He's not here"

"Yakov! Hello"

"He's not feeling well"

Yeah, he's pissed...

"Okay" I just say before leaving the banquet, I have no reason to be there.

You okay?

I send a text to Yuri but he doesn't reply. 

I'm disappointed in myself and I miss Yuri, I need him here. I hide under the covers in my hotel room and start to cry, when did I become such a crybaby.... 

When you fell for Yuri.

There is a knock at the door, what if its Yuri? I wipe away any trace of tears and run to the door ripping it open. Yuri stands outside looking very stern, more than usual.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah..." I say trying to hide my shaking hands by leaning against the wall.

I stare at him, he stands a meter away from me and takes a deep breath.


Oh god....

"We need to end this"

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now