Chapter 14

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Yuri's POV

He smells so good, I love the feeling of his arms around me. He's like a big cuddly teddy bear, I don't know exactly what this is but I don't want to be alone again. 

Stupid Victor... we have to get up soon since Otabek is too damn polite. I push his arms off me and slide off the bed to go get ready, he sighs and gets off his side and hops in to the shower. 

I get dressed in my favorite tiger sweatshirt from japan and pull my jeans on before tackling the knots in my hair, ugh it just won't cooperate today "Fuck this!" I yell slamming my brush on the bedside table.

"Calm down Yuri" I hear Beka say behind me still wet from the shower, wearing nothing but a towel....

"Shut up..."

He laughs and slides his hands past me to grab the brush, I tense up a little as he starts brushing my hair. It feels weird but it's nice and after a while I relax against him.

"Can I put your hair up?" he asks suddenly, I'm surprised but whisper "Yeah"

He gently pulls my hair away from my face and ties it in to a ponytail, I feel so exposed but he says it looks good on me so I keep it up.

We arrive at the airport to pick up Victor and Yuuri "Flight 210 from Moscow yeah?" I ask looking at the large screen of arrivals.

"It's landed"

I start looking around for Victors unique silver hair in the crowd when...


I feel Victors arms around me "Your hair looks great!"

"Ugh get off me! And that's not my name!"

Victor laughs and hugs Yuuri instead who looks exhausted from the long trip and changing time zones.

"Thanks guys for coming to get us" says Yuuri.

I open my mouth to give them a piece of my mind. Wake me up at 5am will you? But Beka puts his hand on my back silently asking me to keep quiet and for some reason I do....

"Let's have dinner tonight, our treat" says Victor when we drop them off back at Victors apartment, I want to say no but I can't really refuse free food... "Okay but I'm picking the place!" I yell.

"Flick us a text then Yurio once you pick a place" he says, softly slipping his arm around Yuuri. I growl but hold my tongue as Beka starts driving back to his place.

I chose a nearby restaurant that Beka took me to a week ago, it's so good there. Beka wraps his scarf around his neck and slides on his leather jacket, wow, he looks so good in it I think. Beka smiles when he's sees me admiring him. 

We meet up with Victor and Yuuri at the restaurant both look more refreshed so I guess they had a nap all day. Victor orders a bottle of champagne for the table to celebrate Yuuri's move to Russia. Victor pours a glass for Otabek and gives me half a glass, that's a big surprise since he's usually weirdly over protective but maybe he is just happy. 

Yuuri looks over at Otabek.

"How are you liking Russia?" he asks with a smile.

"It's alright, not so much different from Kazakhstan. How about you?" Otabek replies.

"I'm just happy to be with Victor no matter the country" Yuuri says blushing.

"Aww come here" Victor says as he kisses Yuuri.

"Victor" Yuuri mumbles.

I've had enough of this...

"Oi you two cut that out!" I yell, Otabek laughs.

"I've never seen you laugh before" Victor says to Otabek in surprise. I look at him confused.

"What do you mean? He always .... laughs..." 

Oh! He only laughs around me... 

I wonder why?

The food arrives and I begin to tune out the conversation and just eat and think. Beka is a different person around me, I am different too... I didn't realize that until now... I look up to see Yuuri kiss Victors hand as Victor blushes, they changed too. 

Is that it? Could I be in love with Otabek Altin? Na I'm way to young to be in love.... 

Aren't I?

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now