Chapter 33

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Otabek's POV

I should have known the reception would be crazy.......

After dinner Yuuri and Victor smash cake on each other's faces before kissing and laughing which earns a loud groan from the best man.

The music is blaring and drinks are flowing, in Amsterdam Yuri is legally allowed wine and I am allowed to drink all alcohol but I make sure Yuri doesn't drink too much. 

Halfway through the evening Yuuri and Victor grab Yuri and drag him into a dance off while Phichit documents every second. After a few minutes of vigorous dancing a slow song begins to play, Victor and Yuuri who have, at this point, long lost their jackets and Victor has somehow gotten his dress shirt off but has an unbuttoned waistcoat on... begin to dance together. 

Phichit and Chris take a bridesmaid each. Yuri walks up to me, I'm sure he will groan and say this is stupid but he takes me by surprise by pulling me to the dance floor so we can dance slowly together. 

It's so sweet when he lays his head against me.... 

In full view of his grandfather... 

I wonder what he's thinking... 

Is this his way of hinting to him about us?

Yuri's POV

Okay maybe I am having fun here after all, I hold Beka close to me and look over at grandpa. This is how I will tell him about us, he gives me a huge smile. 

The D.J comes on the mike "Okay everyone let's mix things up a bit, everybody swaps partners for the next slow dance"

Uh... what? I don't fucken think so! 

I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Yurio?" Victor asks for my hand and I sigh.

"Go on" says Beka

"Yay" Victor pulls me over to him.

"I didn't say-"

Victor laughs and starts to dance with me, I look over at Beka and see him dancing with Yuuri and .... smiling? Why?

"How are things with you and Otabek?"

I look up at Victor.

"None of your business old man"

This is so uncomfortable... 

What happened to his shirt...

He laughs "Come on Yuri you can tell me"

"Things are good. We both made it to the GPF"

"Ah yes I saw"

Of course, he did stupid. He beat me at the NHK trophy so I placed second twice again, Beka got third at the cup of China behind Yuuri and Phichit.

"It's scary to think I will have to compete against him, I mean I did last year but we weren't... I mean..." I say blushing.

"I know what you mean. I'll have to compete against my husband. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Oh... sure" well I am his best man after all.

"Both me and Yuuri have decided to quit competitive skating after the GPF to focus on our marriage and our dreams of opening our own rink in Saint Petersburg."

Shit... what a bombshell... I don't know what to say...

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz