Chapter 26

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Yuri's POV

Yuuri! Ugh how did I lose!? It took me off guard seeing how confident he was in America and I lost my cool. Stupid! I will win my next event the NHK trophy, Victor is in it too so going to the fitting is so awkward especially since I found out he invited Yakov.

Beka stops outside a very nice suit shop in the expensive part of town and I see Victor jumping up and down happily inside. I sigh, I'm so sick of his constant over the top happiness he's never been so happy for so long.  I slide off the bike slowly not wanting to let go of Beka.

"Bye Beka"

"Wait, Yuri come back here"

"What?" I say walking back towards him.

He grabs me around the waist and kisses me.

"Beka wha-"

"Behave" he whispers in my ear.

"Okay! Let me go"

If Chris sees I will never hear the end of it.

He laughs and releases me before driving away. I walk in to the shop and see I am the last to arrive, everyone turns to look at me.

"Hey Yurio! We can start now great. so...."

I tune Victor out as he goes on and on about colors and suit types to the shop assistant and go sit next to Yakov awkwardly.

"Yuri" he starts as I look up at him ashamed.

"We both know you can do better but you need to look forward okay? It's happened it's done. Stop beating yourself up" he pats me on the head gently and I pull away but let out a light laugh.

"Best maaan" sings Victor.

"Yeah sup?"

"We need to get you measured up"

"Okay" I stand and make my way over.

"So, this is Yurio and he's wearing a light blue waistcoat and matching tie yes?" asks the shop assistant.

"Da and Chris over there is in purple"

The shop assistant starts measuring me, this feels awkward. I am not used to anyone but Beka touching me.

"What color are you wearing Victor?" I ask trying to distract myself.

"Pink! What else" he laughs.

"Ugh" I grunt back at him.

"Phichit is wearing light pink to match me and you wear a light blue to match Yuuri"

I do not want to hear his name right now.

"I thought I was your best man so where is the logic in that?"

"Well it's about mixing us together like how Chris is wearing purple because he's the joint best man but the real reason is that we knew you would hate us if we made you wear pink, it was actually Yuuri's idea to have you in blue" he says excitedly before walking off to talk to Chris and Yakov. 

Yuuri actually thought about me enough to find a way to get me out of pink ... I hate him! Why must he be so damn lovable. Grr. 

The shop assistant gives me some sample clothes to try on. When I come out in my suit I get a whistle from Chris while Victor runs up to me.

"I feel like a douche, I've got like five layers on"

"You look fabulous! But your hair hmm..."

"What about it?!" I growl.

"Can you have it up for the ceremony? Exactly like your free skate last year"


"I just think it will look better in photos. Everything must be perfect, I am not doing this again people" he says while straightening my tie.

I should have known he would turn in to a bridezilla.... it's going to be a long wedding day.

Five long freaking hours later Beka comes and picks me up, I wrap my arms around him as I get on his bike and bury my head in his jacket.

"That bad huh?" he laughs.

"Just drive..."

I lay on the bed with a pillow on my face.

"If I hear one more person say anything about silk waistcoats and ties I am going to kill myself" I moan, Beka laughs. 

"You won't be laughing when I tell you that you will have to learn to perfectly replicate my hairstyle from last year's free skate"

Beka laughs anyway "Why me?"

"I am not letting anyone else near my hair, especially Victor." 

"It has to be perfect, this just won't do" I say mimicking Victor, Beka laughs harder.

"I wish I had been there now"

"Yeah me too, it would have brought some sanity" I laugh back.

Beka lifts the pillow from my face and looks down at me.

"Too tired to go out for dinner?"

"Never!" I laugh and he kisses my forehead.

"Let's go"

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum