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      Knox continuously paced the room, muttering curses under his breath when he saw that Gina wasn't picking up her phone

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      Knox continuously paced the room, muttering curses under his breath when he saw that Gina wasn't picking up her phone. Frustration and worry gnawed gravely at him and yet he couldn't do anything about it.
    He knew he should have immediately went after Gina earlier but he had lacked the strength then, marveled by disbelief to a point where it made him temporarily paralysed.

He blamed himself for her hurt and everything she went through over the past years. There was no one to blame but himself, so Gina's disapproval towards him, Knox knew shouldn't come as too much of a shock. He had made his bed and now it was time to lay in it....

But not without a fight.
There were things Gina still needed to know. He was sure that would make the situation between them more subtle, but Knox didn't want anything to influence the efforts he would make to win Gina over.

He glanced at his phone to call her once more. If she didn't pick up again then he'd go in search of her, but suddenly the front doors bursted open. Knox looked up to find Gina entering with a look of disarray to her presence. Without so much as a glance his way, she moved towards the stairs in quick strides, prompting Knox to go after her.

He found her in the closet to their bedroom.

      "What are you doing?" Knox asked, watching as she pulled out two suitcases.

     "What does it look like?" She quipped tersely, unzipping the large compartment.

     "Gina, please..." Knox trailed off and sighed, not really knowing what to do or say. So he stepped in front of her, blocking her path to the closet.

She stood to face him. "Move."

The alcohol was strong on her breath. The very idea of her drinking tore at Knox.

    "Where are you going?" he asked.

     "Anywhere but here. Hey, I might even pay Fred a visit. I'm sure he'd be more than willing to room with me," she bit back spitefully.

Knox's anger sparked at the mention of his name. "Did last night mean anything to you?

Gina paused. "If sex meant something to me, I wouldn't do it so often with so many men, Knox. So no, it meant nothing to me," she lied, shoving past him to finish packing.

Knox said nothing, only watched as she filled the suitcases with her things. "It is what it is, Knox," she said pulling the suitcases up while she struggled with them downstairs - Knox behind.

    "I'll do whatever you want me to Gina, just don't go" he said while Gina slid into the front seat of her car. "And you've been drinking; Gina you are in no position to drive."

   "And yet, I've never felt this sober. Goodbye, Knox," she said as she gave him one last glance, started the engine and sped through the opened gates with Knox a fading image through the rearview.

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