13|House Party

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     For two days straight no words were exchanged between Gina and Knox

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     For two days straight no words were exchanged between Gina and Knox. He came in on days when she was fast asleep and left in the early mornings before she woke, refusing to converse with his wife at the risk at saying the wrong words.

Gina's frustration grew more profound as the days went - both sexually and emotionally. She pondered on calling Fred but somehow each time she attempted to pick up her phone in an effort to commit a God forbidden sin, a surge of guilt overcame Gina that had her at a pause. Despite how fake their arrangement was, Gina felt iffy about fuçking another man. Call her silly but that was just her view.

Sighing heavily, Gina put on a swimsuit and went by the pool where she laid back on a beach chair with her shades on. She didn't have anything better to do and soaking up some sun to improve her tan didn't seem like a bad idea.

Gina didn't know how long she was there for, she even dosed off at at few points until she heard her name being called repeatedly. Bolting upright, Gina removed her shades to find Sally strolling determinedly towards her with tears streaming down her face.

"Shit. Sal what's wrong?" she asked, getting up to wrap her arm around her best friend.

Sally was a blubbering mess, her big blue eyes blurry with tears, her arrow straight nose red and her oval face flustered beneath her ruined makeup. She held onto to Gina and choked a sob when she saw the concern on her face.

"I- I might've just ruined my whole life," she cried.

Gina ushered them away from the poolside and into the kitchen, moving towards the refrigerator to get her friend some water.

"Hey, hey. Tell me what's wrong," Gina softly said, handing Sally a glass of water she didn't seem too interested in.

She sniffed. "Jamie asked me to marry him!" she blurted brokenly.

Gina paused, her eyes widening to saucers. She wasn't surprised at the fact that her brother had asked,she was surprised at Sally's reaction towards him doing so.

"Wh- what did you say?" Gina asked hurriedly.

Sally's lips trembled before she looked up at Gina with sorrow in her eyes. "I said no."

Gina's mouth dropped - probably to the floor but she wasn't paying that much attention. "What?! Why?" she demanded.

Sally shook her head and sniffed. "I - I don't know GG. He was so romantic, he brought me breakfast in bed and everything and then he said the most romantic words and I couldn't say the one thing he wanted to hear.. "

"Why the hell not?" A surprised Gina asked. "You love Jamie, he loves you - you guys have been together from you were old enough to steal damned kisses!" Gina explained, unable to believe what she was hearing was in fact true.

"I know, I know!" Sally cried. "I was just so afraid of the whole idea. I love Jamie, I really do but what if marriage changes things - changes us?"

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