7|Home sweet home

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     A part of Knox felt guilty for what he was doing but another part told him it was the right thing to do

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     A part of Knox felt guilty for what he was doing but another part told him it was the right thing to do. He knew he had made stupid mistakes in the past, but here he was, ready to right his wrong. He came back knowing he wouldn't find the same innocent Gina but he had hoped that if she had changed, it wouldn't be drastic.

He was sourly wrong.

This Gina – the mature and sharp tongued Gina was nothing he had expected but yet he was enthused to find out more about her. Knox knew he could have every bit of info at his fingertips if he wanted to, but he wanted to find out for himself. Yes, she had told him bluntly that she liked sex and men but Knox knew there was more beneath. He couldn't have imagined Gina being with another man – she was innocent and was only his years ago and still to this date, the mere thought of her being with other men enraged him.

He had wanted to rip out the man's throat when had walked in on them. It had taken him everything he possessed to not beat him to a pulp, but Knox promised himself that he would if he ever saw it again.

As he walked inside the hotel, he recognised the very same man she had been with in her suite. He didn't catch sight of Knox as he left but Knox was left to wonder why he was there.

Was he with Gina? His subconscious questioned and Knox couldn't help but feel the raw rage that consumed him.

He marched towards the  man behind the desk with his steely face, demanding, "let me up to Gina's penthouse suite now."

   "Excuse me, I'll have to call and –"

    "Now or I swear to God, you won't have a job after this."

Hesitatingly, he muttered a strained, "fine."

The elevator to Gina's suite opened and Knox was welcomed by a frightened Gina.

      "What the hell are you doing here?" she asked angrily, tucking the towel around her considering she just changed.

Knox thought differently.

   He ground his teeth and determinedly strolled towards her. "Regardless of the circumstances, it's still our wedding day for fucks sake!"

Gina was oblivious as to what he was referring but she had no interests in finding out. "Get the hell out!"

Knox stood ground. "Don't you feel an ounce of shame?" he roared. "Not one hour after our wedding and you invited a man into your bed!"

Gina had no clue of what he was speaking but he could think whatever he wanted for all she cared.

     "What are you, jealous?" she scoffed, folding her arms.

Knox's nose flared with anger. "If you for one moment think you're gonna make a mockery out of this arrangement, think again"

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