6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)

Start from the beginning

      Acquaintances. Why can't we be more than acquaintances?

      Jimin slaps himself as soon as the thought crosses his mind, yelping as the pain turns his soft cheek bright red. Unfortunately, the thought doesn't leave like it's supposed to. Instead a internal debate flares up.

      Hyungs are always telling me that I should have more friends than just them. She'd be a great start! I mean, if I can befriend Miss Grumpy, that means that I can practically befriend anyone, right?  

      Friends! What make you think that she'll want to be friends after you practically admitted to accepting a dare to annoy her for sprinkles? Sprinkles!! She'll never want to befriend an embarrassment like you, Park Jimin!

      How did I know the dare was going to be so ridiculous? Plus, she seemed to find it highly amusing more than anything.

      Amusing? Do you not remember the nickname she gave you, you pabo? 'Noise Boy'? That doesn't sound like she was merely 'amused' to me! More like annoyed! You don't have a chance with her, especially with how flustered you get every time she moves. Usually you're okay at flirting, but not with her! You might as well try singing 'Danger' backwards.

      Jimin runs a hand through his bright orange hair, sighing at his own stupidity. The other boys would for sure make fun of him if they knew what he was thinking, and honestly, he wouldn't blame them. 

      What's wrong with me today? First I crave a kind of coffee I never drink, then I accept a dare from someone I just met, and now I'm practically crushing on a girl who's nearly as rude and blunt as Suga-hyung! Do I have a death wish?

      But this is the first time Jimin has ever been so honestly attached to someone after meeting them only once. He'd been attracted to girls right away, of course (he is a guy, after all), but it was never like this. It's never been this... this enchanting before, and he doesn't want to let this once in a lifetime feeling slip out of his grasp.

      After all, finding someone else with a personality like hers is a two in a billion chance, and Suga-hyung is nothing more than his best-est friend.  

      Jimin's thoughts turn to Suga-hyung, his heart aching as he remembers the look of regret and misery that has been plastered to his friend's face for the past three weeks. He rarely smiled even before all this happened, but now Jimin has seen him smile only twice in nearly a month. Suga has a tendency to expect nothing but the worst, and with something as important as his sister it's slowly tearing him up inside. Jimin can't help but feel completely helpless knowing that the only thing that will pull Suga out of this shroud of misery is the same thing causing it in the first place. 

     We better find her soon, or Suga-hyung might just crawl into a dark corner and never come out. I can't let that happen.

     Jimin jumps in surprise when his phone dings twice, announcing the arrival of a text from Jin. Jimin smiles, not surprised in the slightest when he slides his phone out of his pocket to find a worried inquiry about his whereabouts. Jin worries about Jimin more than his mother does, and nags more than her as well, but he's also been there for him when Jimin's own mother couldn't be. Jimin doesn't quite know why, but Jin is just like that; with all of them. He's always telling them what they did wrong, that they should eat more, and how he thinks they could improve. He's also always questioning them about their health, and shooing them off to rest when they're looking exhausted, even if they insist that they feel fine. Jin doesn't take no for an answer. 

      Not that Jimin minds. He honestly finds Jin's odd ways of showing brotherly (and somewhat motherly) affection endearing, so he doesn't hesitate to reply and alleviate his oldest hyung's worry. 

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