Everyone seemed to still be asleep.

I was nearly at the main stairs when I heard a door opening behind me.

I stopped and spun on my heels, watching as the door to what I believe was Nightmare's room opened, a shadow was visible on the other side.

I was mildly surprised when Cross was who walked out.

I smirked, crossing my arms, waiting to see if he'd notice me.

He sleepily glanced around the corridor, not really paying attention to anything.

But he did focus when he saw me, his face flushed purple as he realised that I'd seen him leave Nightmare's room.

I raised an 'eyebrow' suggestively and he rapidly shook his head, obviously denying anything I was suggesting.

I chuckled silently, waving goodbye before continuing downstairs, my 'stomach' growling again at the sound of freshly buttered toast.

I walked in the living room to see Ink sat on one of the large sofas, his legs curled up beneath him.

Had a book in one hand and a piece of toast in the other, it was half finished and I could see the melted butter that had sunk into the bread.

Ink didn't look up from his book and simply pointed over at the coffee table  next to him where more slices of buttered toast lay waiting for me.

I immediately walked over, grabbing a piece and taking a large bite.

I sighed contently as the flavour filled my mouth, banishing the hunger that had been clawing at me previously. (I want toast now)

I then sat next to Ink, peering over at the book he was reading.

"Looks boring." I stated.

Ink sighed, flicking to the next page.

"Well it's not boring." He said, leaning back against my shoulder.

"Alright. I believe you."

---Cross' POV----

I bet Errors gonna tell everyone that he saw me leave Nightmare's room.

I blushed just thinking of the goopy tentacle monster that was on the other side of the door, still asleep, curled up like a cat with his tentacles wrapped protectively around him.

I sighed, looking down the corridor again.

Maybe breakfast would be a good idea.

I stepped out and was about to shut the door behind me when I heard a muffled groan come from Nightmare.

I turned and looked back into the room.

He hadn't moved, the blanket still half over him but he called out again sleepily.


I sighed, stepping back into the room.

"What is it?" I called softly.

A hand emerged from the blankets and raised in the air before pointing down at the bed, pointing at the empty spot next to him.

I chuckled at his behaviour and walked round the bed over to the side he had pointed at.

Nightmare was still curled up under the covers, eye shut, breathing calm.

I stood there unsurely for a moment before feeling something wrap round my waist.

I let out a squeak as Nightmare's tentacles pulled me into the bed next to him.

His arms wrapped tightly around me and he buried his face into the back of my neck, humming happily.

I blushed and squirmed in his grip, resulting in his grip tightening and impossible escape.

I blushed and hugged his arms, snuggling up into his embrace.

I thought about how things were like back at the asylum compared to here and shivered, gripping onto Nightmare tighter.

I don't ever want to go back to that life.

---Dust's POV----

I was awoken this morning in a way I had never been before.

I had been sleeping peacefully, relishing the current lie in when out of nowhere I get attacked by a small skeleton jumping onto me and jumping up and down on my chest.

It had turned out to be Blue. Apparently he was bored so he had came to wake me up, hoping that I would be fun to be with.

And now here we are.

Me; still laying down, under the covers.
And Blue; happily sat on top of my chest, looking around the room curiously.

I shifted about a bit, resulting in Blue slipping off me and nearly falling off the bed.

I sat up and grabbed him just in time, pulling him into my chest.

Blue let out a squeak but then calmed, snuggling himself against my chest, a faint blue dusting his cheeks.

I looked down at him, gently kissing the top of his skull, causing his face to turn even bluer.

He looked up at me shyly and I smiled back down at me.

Without really thinking I pulled his face up to mine.

His face was now literally  a blueberry, his eyes were filled with nervous excitement.

I leant down and kissed him.

I was planning on a quick one, but Blue had other plans.

He wrapped his arms round my neck, gripping my skull and preventing me from pulling back.

Oh well.

I pulled him closer, gripping his waist as we kissed.

Eventually we pulled away from each other.

Blue was panting lightly and was completely flushed blue.

"I-I liked that." He whispered.

"So did I~"

He looked down at his hands before looking back up at me. "I-I love you Dust."

"Love ya too Blue."

they kissed 👌🏻
love ya'll

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