At first they thought it was one, but they told me when he walked out. "I'm gone get you for hiding this from me." Kyree says pecking my lips. "I know get me later. When the lights are off." I say in his ear making him smirk.



"We going to the movies to see Black Panther after y'all get done eating. Y'all can come if y'all want." Kayla says. I stand up going over to the dish washer seeing it full. "Kaylee you was suppose to cut the dish washer on lastnight." I say putting my dish in the sink.

"I forgot." She says. "You always forget." I say picking Ashanti up. "Daddy boutta go Gimme kiss." I say puckering my lips up making her frown. "I wanna go." She says licking the food off her fingers. "Stop licking your fingers go wash em'." I say putting her down. "I wanna go with you." She says.

"You can't babygirl. I'll be back." I say helping her on the stool so she can wash her hands. "But I wanna go with you!" She cries as she washes her hands. "I told you I'll be back I'm not going that long." I say helping her dry her hands off. "So! Let me go with you!" She cries.

I walk her out the kitchen, and into my room. "Stop all that crying Ashanti. You a big girl now. You can't be no crybaby when you a big girl." I say. "But I want to go with you." She cries. "I'm not gone tell you to stop crying before I pop you. Stop crying I'll be back. Okay imma meet y'all at the movies, and I'll let you watch whatever you want." I say to her.

"Okay?" I ask her. "Okay." She says wiping her tears. "Now give your daddy a kiss." I say making her give me a kiss. "Call me when you need me." I say walking her back in the kitchen. "Imma meet y'all at the movies. Kyree make sure don't nothing happen to my daughter." I say before walking out.

I gotta daughter now so I don't too much leave her in everybody else hands. That's why she so attached to me. I don't even feel comfortable with leaving her in Kyree hands nor Kayla's. I don't feel like she completely safe if she ain't with me. I done did some fucked up shit in my past and I don't want that to effect her in any kind of way.

I'm getting my own house, because me and my daughter not bout to be up all night cause some babies crying. I understand how the schedules go, and how annoying it is getting woke up in the morning because of the shit, and my daughter not experiencing that shit until she get 40 and have her first child.

I pull up to the abandoned building. I got out grabbing the Jimmy Jhon bag. I go inside nodding my head at the guards I got guarding the building. I go to the back opening the steel door seeing Grace sitting folded up in a corner. I gave her a matress, and I feed her daily. She looks up at me. "Here yo food." I say throwing it on the table, and placing her starbucks cup down. "I'm sorry just please let me see my daughter." She says. I look at the bruises, and scars I put on her when I first brought her here.

"Yeah i'll let you go." I say. "Really?" She says getting teary eyed as she stands up. "Can Ashley get brought back to life-- no bitch sit your happy ass down." I say making her sit down. "Please." She cries. "What I came here for is to ask you about this." I say pulling out some abortion papers I found in what use to be her closet under her name.

"I'll tell you if you let me go." She says. "I really don't care too much about the situation. I'm just a nosey ass nigga." I say. "Trust me if you knew the situation you would care." She says. "Why?" I ask. "Because they were yours." She says. "They who is they?" I ask. "The twins we were suppose to be having before you, and that bi--" I cut her off snatching her up by her neck and slamming her head into the wall knocking her out cold. I throw her on the ground before walking out.

"Leave her in there all day. Take that food, and drink and throw it away before she wake up." I say. I try to be nice to the bitch instead of feeding her vieans and hot sauce everyday. I had a change of heart, and I done found out she killed 2 of my babies I never knew about. She called Ashley out her name. SHe fucked herself up. I pull up to the movies. I grab Ashanti's diaper bag getting out the car seeing everybody at the front ordering tickets. "Where my daughter at nigga?" I ask Kyree. "With Kayla." He says pointing at Ashanti who's crying. 

I go over and pick her up making her stop crying. "Kayla you didn't see her crying?" I ask her. "Yeah I was getting these tickets paid for." She says. "That don't mean let her cry though. What's wrong with you?" I ask her as I walk us away from the big group. "I'm hungry." She sniffles. "C'mon let go get you something to eat then mama." I say walking ya off to my car.

The movie don't start until another hour, and I'm not walking in a big ass group filled with some bad ass kids that keep on asking me can they hold Ashanti like she still 3 months or some shit. I don't like sharing my daughter unless I'm giving her to Kayla so I'm damn sure not giving her to snot nosed ass kids. "Can I come with you? I don't want anything to eat. I don't like being around all these people." Kaya says making me turn around and look at her.

Kaya is very antisocial. She like to be by herself most of the time. She very low key to. You can never really tell what she bout to do next, but I do know when she is feeling in the mood to talk to people the craziest shit comes out her mouth sometimes.

We stopped by Buffalo Wild Wings that's by the movies. "Don't get that on your Minnie Mouse shirt cause I didn't bring a extra mama."  I say to Shanti as she eats her bbq wings with fries. "Do you need a refill?" The waitress asks. "Nah. But we'll take this to go. Here yo tip." I say handing her a stack making her eyes go wide.

I grab some baby wipes wiping Ashanti face off, and grabbing her food as she tries to lick her fingers. "Stop licking yo fingers. Here." I say handing a wipe to wipe her hand off. She wipes her hands off handing them to me. I turn around to the girl who still standing there looking shocked.

"Can you throw these away for me. Thanks." I say handing the wipes to her. I pick Ashanti up, and grab her diaper bag leaving with her juice. "Daddy why she look like that?" Ashanti asks me. "Because daddy's a big tipper." I say with a smirk.

"What's a big tipper?" She asks me. "Someone who gives a lot of money to waitress." I say as I buckle her in. "Or strippers." Kaya says as she gets in the front seat. "What's a stripper?" Ashanti asks. "Something you have no business knowing about. What the heck you know about a stripper Kaya?" I ask her as I close the back door, and get in the driver side of the car.

"They dance, and get paid for being hoes on the clock." Kaya answers with a shrug. "Kaya don't be saying that around Ashanti. Where you even hear that from?" I ask Kaya. "I don't even know. I just know about stuff like this." She says.

"Is mommy a stripper she has a lot of money." She says referring to Kayla. "No, she just saved up her money when she was making it as a tennager." I say. "And yo Uncle Kyree still making money, and taking care of her." I say as I start the car up driving over to the movies.

"You ready for your first dentist appointment mama?" I ask Ashanti. "What's a densis appointment?" She asks me. "It pronounced dentist. You gotta get your teeth checked." I tell her. "Why are they okay?" She asks making me, and Kaya chuckle. "Yes." I say as I pull up to the movies.

. "Then why do they have to checked?" Ashanti asks. "Because you talk to much, and we're tryna make sure you haven't worn them out yet." I joke making her cross her arms and roll her eyes at me. "Daddy i'm not your twin anymore." She says as I get her out. "You gone be my twin regardless." I say with a chuckle.

"Kaya why didn't you tell me you went with Kyro? We been looking for you." Kayla snaps on Kaya. "Chill I told her she could come." I say. "Why didn't you let me know?" She asks me. "You know Kaya don't like hanging around all these folks anyways. You shouldn't have invited all of them." I say. "Shut up talking to me." She says reaching for Ashanti. "Mommy daddy says my teeth are worn out, because I talk to much." Ashanti snitches. "What you want me to do about it?" She asks. "Whoop him." Shanti suggests pointing at me. Kayla moves over to me tapping my arm.

"You didn't hit him hard enough. He's not crying." Ashanti says. "Well you hit him." Kayla says. "No. That's mean." Ashanti says. "C'mon the movie is about to start." Kayla says turning around. I look down at her ass as she walks through the movies door. Her ass jiggles when she walks. "Why you looking at her butt?" Kaya says real loud, loud enough for Kayla to hear. "Yall two need to behave." Kayla says turning around, and letting us walk ahead of her making Kaya snicker.

I look down shaking my head at Kaya as she looks up at my trying to keep from laughing. "You play to much. I like it better on the days you don't talk." I say making her shrug. "Don't Give a fuck." She says before running off to Kyro. "Kayla, Kaya over here cussing." I snitch.

Ups and Downs: Can't Run From PainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang