- Just Dance -

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I opened my eyes. I woke up to a warm fire burning a sweet warm scent of mom's Yankee tarts.

I see mom above me patting a warm damp towel on my forehead

"Hey Dill"

"Mom?" I groan

"Hey, quiet now. You temperature is still a bit low"

"Ugh, my...head"

"What were you guys thinking doing that?! That snow could have given you a severe concussion" Mom hissed

"It's was just a game--"

"That was putting your life at risk. Oh Dylan, don't ever do that to me again"

"I'm sorry"

"I know" she smiled weakly "Well, I'm already late for work. You gonna be okay by yourself... or do I--"

"No, no no mom I'll be fine, go"

"Okay, well there's some soup in the kitchen if you want... and I also toasted some garlic bread. Bye now" she shouted as she quickly marched down the hall to the front door.

"Ok, thank you. Bye mom"

I heard the door shut. I lay back with the warm towel on my forehead. I heard the crackling of the fire. I was quiet and peaceful.

As I was about to drift to sleep, I heard the doorbell ring. I got up slowly and grudgingly walked to front door. I opened it to reveal Alice and Jack. They both had worried looks on their face. Jake's face was pale. Alice pounced on me, patting my face with her hand.

"Dylan! Oh my God, Dylan I'm so sorry. Wait, are you okay?! What happened, first you were kneeing down and then the next think I know, your on the floor, basically dead! I shouldn't have let Jake--" she cried.

I looked in her eyes, all blue and teary. I could see she was still worried.

"Hey, hey it's okay. You guys should come in" I said, backing out of their way.

I let them come in through the kitchen. There was so much awkward tension between all of us. "So, do you guys want something? Mom said she left some garlic bread" I said, breaking the silence.

Jake grinned "Yeah, that'll be--"

"Shut up Jake" snapped Alice. "Why are you guys acting like nothing ever happened?" she snapped. She turned to me. "You were literally unconscious like half an hour ago.

"But I'm fine now" I gestured.

"Well I don't feel comfortable about it. I...no, we need to make it up to you, right Jake?" she said, grabbing Jake's arm.

"Sure, yeah" Jake smiled. I grinned.

"Whatever you want you want to do Dylan" Alice smiled.

"Okay, I know just the thing you guys can do" I smirked.


An hour later, we had devoured mom's garlic bread and Alice had made us two mugs of hot chocolate with cream and mini marshmallows. We were playing Just Dance. Alice was beating everyone mercilessly. I was dancing beside me. I slowed down a bit to watch her dance and take the lead. Her golden hair bounced up and down. Her smile was bright... which made me smile.

"Hey Dylan, can you help me do something in the kitchen for a minute?" asked Jake.

"Sure dude, yeah" I laughed nervously, as I threw the WII remote on the couch.

When I followed Jake in the kitchen, he went into the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice. There was complete silence in the kitchen apart from the pouring of the orange juice and the faint sound of 'Best of both world' song playing in the living room.

I stood by Jake as he sipped his orange juice.

"So, Jake what do need help with?" I asked.

"I knew it" he smirked.

I frowned. "What?"

"No wonder you got so mad and competitive when we were snowboarding"

I was so confused. "What, when I lost and you dropped that big ass ice cube on my head--"

"No, man. You like Alice"

I felt my heart skip a beat. I sighed "Jake..."

"Dylan, it's obvious. No matter how much you deny it" he smirked.

Alice opened the kitchen door "I'm sorry to destroy the bromance... or whatever I going on here but I don't watch to be dancing by myself  all day" she chuckled nervously.

"You're right Alice," said Jake, putting down his cup. "Lets play a new game. Truth or Dare" smirked Jake.

I tensed up. I knew where Jake was going with this. He was going to twist his way into making me say something like me admitting I like Alice.

Which I don't... well I don't think I do.

I knew Alice had some crush on me years ago but I'm pretty sure she gotten over that phase.

James pushed me and Alice into my living room. I didn't want to snap at him because Alice would become suspicious.

We sat on the ground near the fire. I glanced at Jake. His face was beaming with mischeif.

I could tell this was going to a long evening...

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