- A Promise -

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A few years later...

'Oh my gosh Dylan, I cant believe were finished elementary school' said Alice, jumping up and down behind my Mom's car. Mom went into Target to get a few things.

'Ugh, Alice are you forgetting we still have our summer test waiting for us next week' i said sinking into my seat.

Everything went silent for a moment, so i looked at the mirror with my corner eye to see if i Alice was mad at me. But she was looking out the window, thinking hard.

'Hey Dylan were still gonna be friend when we enter high school, right?'

'Woah, we're not into the summer properly yet and your thinking about whats's gonna happen in high school' i said, frowning and putting my black hoodie over my head.

'Ya, but Dylan i always hear stories and watch movies about how a group of good friends end up going to high school and stop being friends because they start making other friends and stuff'

'Alice,' i said sitting up and looking back 'Were always gonna be best friends, even if i become ridiculously popular, i still have you somewhere back in my mind' i said, being slightly sarcastic.

Alice laughed and pushed my head back in my chair.

'Promise?' she said 'What?' i said, slightly cringing now.

'Promise you always be my best friend' she said.

'Alice -'

'PROMISE!' she said jumping on to the top of my chair

'Okay, okay promise' I said sinking back into my chair.

Mom came back to the car and Alice sat back down in her seat again. Perfect timing. Alice was asking way to many strange questions.

'Sorry i took while' she said smiling and me and Alice as she started up the car. 'Dylan, guess what I'm making for dinner?' she said with this smile on her face

'Dunno, curry?'

'Nope, spag bol' said said in the strangest accent. I heard the tiniest snort at the back.

'What?' i said, hoping she didn't say what i think she said. 'I'm making spaaag bol for dinner' she said again.

'Oh Mom please don't say that again' i said cringing. I heard Alice laughing quietly at the back and i found myself going completely red so i covered my face with my hoodie.

'What's wrong? Do you know not like spag anymore? I thought spag bol was your fav' said Mom. I was shaking my head very steadily now. Mom has been reading way to many gossip magazines since i asked her why she still uses a music box thing to listen to music and told her that she was so old fashioned.

'Dylan are you listening to me?' said Mom trying to get my attention and looking at the road at the same time.

'Anna, We'd love spaag bol' said Alice. I shot up and looked back. Alice had this smirk on her face and i didn't like one single bit.

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