- Holidays -

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Weeks pasted by. I had given up finding the girl I kissed at the Halloween dance. Christmas was near and school was closing today for the holidays .

"Christmas..." sighed Jake.

"What's up. Christmas is awesome" I said, nudging his arm.

"Ya, but you know how Christmas is for me."

"Huh, oh yeah..." I said, trying not to laugh. Every Christmas, Jake and his family take a group photo of them wearing the same Christmas jumpers... and they send of to the relations worldwide. Jake hates this because he has this really hot second cousin called Kate he always talks about who comes over for new's years day.

The Winter Wonder Land fair was open again this years and it was said that it was meant to better than ever! As school ended Jake, Nathan and I walked through the rush of people as we exited the school.

"Are you going to the fair this year?" I asked Jake and Nathan.

"Yeah. I was planning on taking Anna next year since she's never been before." said Jake.


"No, i don't thinks so. My mom said that there might be a storm brewing up this winter so were going to Spain for Christmas."

"Nice" said Jake. 

"What about you Dylan?" asked Nathan.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to the fair and having like a Christmas dinner with a few friends and family"

"We'll still keep in touch over the hols right?" said Jake. 

"Yeah, totally dude" I said. 

We gave each other a hug and handshake as we all went separate ways out of school. It was pretty chili outside. I rubbed my hand together as I waked toward over the heated up car wear Mom was waiting for me.

Suddenly, Alice bumped into me "Aw, a lot of bromance going on back there" she giggled.

"Honestly, Alice, I've seen you girls cry over some Spanish exchange student when he was leaving to go back home, although he couldn't speak English and probably had no idea what you guys were saying most of the time."

"Ya, but he was hot and and Spanish and fit and..." Alice started, getting all girly and sappy.

"I get it" I rolled my eyes. "Am I dropping you off home today?" 

"Mm-hmm" she said, still think about that stupid Spanish student.

"Oh gawd, Alice..." I sighed as we got into the car.


sorry this was a bit of a short chapter. I make a better longer one as soon as possible. thank you :)

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