- Woah... -

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You can almost call me and Alice siblings now. At first i didn't realize it at first, but then it started to come to me that we do EVERYTHING together. I never found this weird at all. I thought we were just really good neighbors. 

Alice birthday was coming up. Me and Alice had already went into this soccer camp earlier in the summer, so she decided to invite as many people as she could. To be honest, i was pretty excited about it. The dudes in the camp were awesome, but the girls were... aggressive. I swear, there was this girl that nearly took my eye out with her shellac polished nails on the field when we were playing a match. 

I didn't hang out with Alice for the two days before the party, but she told me she wanted to have a pool party... which totally put me off going altogther. My body was nowhere near masculine... it was just pale. But Alice did say once that she loved my dark brown curly hair. 

I looked into my mirror to see if i looked ridiculous in my short. I tried to flex my muscles. Nope. I looked even worse, so i decided to wear my hoodie to hide the disgrace underneath.

'I'll pick you up at 8 Dylan, or text me if you can' said Mom, taking a turn to Alice's street.

'Ya sure' I said, looking outside. Alice's birthdays aren't usually that big. And she never has pool parties. I suppose it's probably gonna be a like a barbecue beside her pool.

But when I got there, it was BIG (okay maybe i was over exaggerating, but there was at least 20 people) and loud. Alice's back garden was full with balloons, floats... and people. I saw Alice big brother, Liam working the grill. Fairy lights were placed everywhere.

'Woah...' i said in awe. So many girl were wearing bikinis that showed A LOT of skin. I wanted to congratulate Alice but i couldn't see her anywhere.


I looked around. It wasn't Alice, it was my friend Jacob and Nathan (Jacob tells everyone he knows to call him Jake because he thinks his name sounds like something from the Bible) 

'Hey, Jake, Nathan'

'Long time, no see dude' Nathan said as we all did our handshake. 

'How's your summer been?' 

'Netflix n' chill mostly, oh dude, guess what, I kissed Hannah' said Jacob leaning in.

'WHAT? dude...' i said, surprised. Hannah was this girl in my class who claimed herself as popular since everyone called her pretty and always wore makeup. 'Nice one' i said, edging him. 'Hey, have you seen Alice?' 

'Ya i think i saw her at the end of the crowd with her friends' said Nathan

'Thanks man' i said walking off.

I looked in the crowd. I saw so many people i knew and they all greeted me and  I waved back. Then i stopped. I saw Alice with a group of girls. She looked so grown up. She had her long wavy hair down and was wearing a burgundy bikini with a long lacy white cardigan on top. Then the world suddenly seem to go in slow motion. I watched Alice laugh and smile with her friends. At that moment Alice wasn't the girl i knew, who loved fairy tales making daisy chains or bracelets. She was... different, but i couldn't put my finger on it just yet.

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