- Rain, Rain Go Away -

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The next morning, it was pouring rain and my head was pounding with questions and a headache. I didn't get out of bed for the whole morning.

It continued to rain the next morning. And the morning after that. And the morning after that. And it continued for the rest of the week. And they say that summer has officially begun.

I stayed in my bed, covering my face with my pillow. Suddenly, there was an obsessive knocking on my bedroom door at 11 o clock in the morning.

"Dylan?" Mom asked.

I groaned.

"Dylan?! Go and get yourself cleaned up. I was starting to wonder if you're still alive or not. Come and eat proper breakfast downstairs. It's Thursday remember?"

I groaned even louder.

"DYLAN!" She started banging in the door.

"ONE MINUTE MOM!" I screamed, sitting up. I kicked the duvet off me and got up.

Great. Today was Thursday, which meant that Alice was coming over for lunch.

This only started a good while ago when her brother moved away to college and her Mom worked a full time job as a hygienist now in a different state 3 days a week.

Before, I had no problem with this untill Jessica's party last week. Now it seems like an utter nightmare trying text her or anything. 

Now she was coming over.

I cleaned up dressed into a burgundy top and tartan plaid pajama bottoms.

I looked in my mirror and whispered to myself 'Okay Dylan, you can do this. She might not even remember that night so all you have to do is act casual like nothing ever happened'

I went downstairs to meet mom making a huge breakfast. They were freshly made crepes on the table, Nutella, strawberries, whipped cream, maple syrup, hot coco and sugar. You name it.

They was also a blue jug with milk and Frosties. There was also a huge baguette with raspberries jam and butter to accompany it. There was orange juice as well.

"Mom, what is this?" I smirked.

"Oh Dylan it's just a thing I call breakfast" she replied as she continued to make more crepes.

I sat down on the table, running my fingers though my hair, chuckling.

Mom was making a big breakfast today. Perhaps she was trying to lure me out of my room. That would have been a smart move. Unless...

Crap. No, that better not be-

"Dylan could you get up and answer the door?"

"But it's pouring rain outside"

Mom looked and me sharply and a didn't dare try and give a smart comment back. I walked off and opened the door.

"For 78 Liveview Hill". It was just the postman. I sighed.

"Could you sign here and here please?" He said showing me a clipboard with a signing sheet on it. I signed, took the parcel and closed the door.

I went back to the kitchen and sat down with the parcel in my hand. As I was opening it the door bell rang again.

"Did you sign the sheet properly Dylan?"

"Yeah I did..." I trailed off. I ran to open the door again but it wasn't the postman.

It was Alice.

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